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Everything posted by My4DrGSR

  1. One more day till and :smoker: About freakin time...
  2. My4DrGSR


    Packing my sh*t for Dumont, then goin for some with my roommies, and maybe at the lovey doveys out and about... be careful everyone, don't catch VD. :smoker: wouldn't want to ruin a weekend of
  3. I saw it when you had it pinned... how funny. Bet you are horrible at keeping secrets, or surprises. If you learned a magic trick you'd probably show everyone how its done, huh? I dunno why it's so "top secret", but like someone else said, for the fun of looking for it I guess. Or you have to find someone's camp and follow them (the other 'way too much time on your hands' post ) Like a treasure hunt, I'm sure you'd find some gold(en beer) at either place when you make it there... :shocked2:
  4. OMG warrior07, you have WAY TOO MUCH TIME on your hands, wow... Hope to meet your crazy arse out there. :shocked2: Is it freakin Friday YET???
  5. That's hilarious. I can see it now, u chasing me with the scary mask on around camp... Then we pass by Tina, and before you know it, I'm chasing you... with a bottle of
  6. Awesome Kristin, thanks! I'm getting pretty good, I'm looking for a trailer now so I can do more day trips now that I have such a wonderful group of riding friends. I still get a lil nervous on the big group rides though, and don't quite feel ready to lead, although me and Tina were saying that no matter what we were all riding so we'd figure it out when we got there, one of us would lead . I'm ALWAYS down to learn more tho, so whatever pointers anyone has, I ALWAYS listen. So... I think you've got a full class lined up now, you ready for it? HA HA, kidding. I can't wait to get out there! Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How bout meow? Jodi, what'd I tell you bout that countdown, chop chop!
  7. http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/mcy/555921113.html Will someone buy me this please, I really think I need to roll out to the dunes in style...
  8. LOL we'll be in late Friday night so we have an excuse to just :beer_bang: :chug: Then Saturday morning we can go ridin, all 'refreshed' from our previous nights activities...
  9. Damn Cheese, what u teachin the boy... lol. And Tina, thought you camped elsewhere to keep your kids away from trouble , what's Cheese Duuude doin in your camp?
  10. Ok, pics in this thread, that'll make it easier to find you guys and say hi for sure!
  11. I just stifled a laugh at work, it still came out, but at least quieter... hilarious.
  12. I say both "you toos"... (or as I would say, you two ...) Hilarious...
  13. ... Just kidding, I think it's hilarious, I just came across that shirt when I was looking for something else, and thought of this thread
  14. :beer_bang: Oh WOW if anyone can clean up PP, Kudos... and Good luck!!!
  15. Oh no... Half of the broken butt crew has spoken... LOL... So yeah, ride first drink later, everyone chant that so we don't forget. So how did that go? Drink first ride later? NO NO NO damn I'm dyslexic... :freakin_nuts:
  16. It doesn't look like we're getting any response here :gayboy:. Well, the 3 of us will ride together then, even if it is the finger dunes . I'll try and lead a ride if I feel comfortable enough, we'll see when the time comes . Either way we're gonna have good times for sure . I think the countdown timer is broken, I swear it's going too slow... Fix it right meow please!
  17. My4DrGSR


    :gayboy: OMG that's awesome. :porn:
  18. after Cheese's joke one it doesn't surpirse me to see this back up here...
  19. He said NO potluck, but I have a grand ... Let's have a pizzazz cookoff!!!
  20. I really laughed out loud at work just at the title, cuz I knew... Good thing I'm off in a minute or I mighta gotten cought on here
  21. about 5 hours, but depending on what's in tow, give or take. When I went with the ex and we just had the truck and one quad (first time out) 4 1/2 hours; Truck with 2 quads and a 3 wheeler 5 hours, truck with hauler and the same other stuff 5 1/2... to the entrance. there's a camp area not too far in that most ppl stop and camp, but the ppl we met up with camped way back past a bunch of whoops and it was more private, less dust, and that takes about another half hour to get to. so much fun with a hauler... lol, not so much... I think i asked to pull a quad out and ride circles round him while he putted the getup to camp...
  22. I like Cinder Hills near Flagstaff, AZ: http://www.duneguide.com/sand_dune_guide_cinder_hills.htm It's beautiful, has some riding for everyone, and weather is in the 80's in the summer, and there's trees for shade. I've heard such great things bout St Anthony's too, but it is far and my group has never been. one of these days when we're all feeling richer and can take the days off to get there we want to make a trip.
  23. Great, thanks, now I don't have an excuse... geez... Just kiddin, thanks for pointin that out Pete. Me and my short attention span havin hadn't gotten as far as looking at those help topic thingys yet.
  24. Nobody was injured at all according to the news.
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