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Everything posted by My4DrGSR

  1. Uhhh... Dunno if that makes me ready to LEAD a ride... But I do ok... Ooh! What about Foxy? FOXY!!! You goin for Prez weekend chick?
  2. you're about as quick as me with that type of stuff... I give up when I have to resize too, such patience and concen... Hey look, shiny things! Thanks for sharin Chickie...
  3. That looks way cool, but hope any of the pyro's on here that wanna try it aren't to :drunk2: to get it right without burning themselves...
  4. oh WOW scary, so glad everyone is ok!
  5. Aww, no worries, it's all outta :fro:
  6. Woohoo re-enacting, yeah! 9~ish can't come soon enough, is this week over yet? I think I owe you a couple :fro:
  7. This thread probably isn't gonna help u much, personal preference varies so widely. If you can find a few friends that would let you take a spin on theirs you'll figure out what YOU prefer. I rode a yfz450 and a honda 450 and hated them, then rode a suzuki 400 and loved it. I wanted to get the Suzuki 450 but didn't have that much $$$ at the time, so I got the 400... for now. That's my preference/opinion, hope it helps some. Good luck!
  8. LOL yeah that was one my fave pics from New years weekend, cracked me the hell up when I saw it, and I was wonderin what Pete was doin exactly too, lol...
  9. Woohoo! We have 3 now... and your better not be broken! Don't get too close to those other 2 they really do rub off, . My only question now is, who's leading this adventure?
  10. Ditto to both. He friggin rules.
  11. Sure, start the countdown now so that it drags out even longer... Just Kiddin. I can't wait. This time you HAVE TO unload your quad and go ride with me, my riding chicas have Broken Butt Syndrome, yeah don't get too close, apparently it's contagious!
  12. I've got a grand , find someone's CAMP then follow them out, , cuz if you've tried and haven't found it before, that's likely your best option...
  13. Sooo... Where's the drunken dancing pics from later? LOL. or do we have to re-enact that part?
  14. Hopefully it won't be as crazy as usual, just good fun like Turkey weekend and New Year's weekend. I'm probably dreamin, Prez weekend is always a madhouse, but I'll be there anywho... can't wait!
  15. Thanks for sharin your story, and glad you're ok.
  16. Yikes! Yeah scary, I think you're doing the right thing for sure, hopefully now he'll have learned his lesson. Glad he's ok though.
  17. if you hold your curser over this smilie :moonwalk: it says 'mookwalk' instead of 'moonwalk', that's even funnier...
  18. I know, I skimmed them all again to make sure I hadn't missed any before I just wanted to someone off, you're the lucky since you posted already. I it!
  19. Skyz, U thanks! I'm Sorry Pete, I think these are fun...
  20. All I gotta say is WOW. Great vids and photos, thanks for sharin.
  21. LOL I liked the first rhino one, but the 2nd choice is cool too. Ynot's is sweet, and the paparazzi one... someone should do another all smilie story... not me tho, I'm not that patient or that great of a storyteller, besides I prefer to be on the deciphering end, lol.
  22. I like the Canon Elph cameras, for high photo quality and compact size while still having decent zoom. I've had 2 of them and I'm about to upgrade again to the latest one.
  23. That car is badazz looking, I like the stinkbug effect, lol, very intimidating looking. when do we get to see it in action at Dumont?
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