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Everything posted by My4DrGSR
SSSHHHH the theives don't need to know that! That really sucks to have someone ruin sh*t like this it happens everywhere, we have a good group we can trust and leave things unlocked, now we'll have to lock up our sh*t for every friggin ride/outing.
Awww how cute, too bad he got hurt, but definitely gonna be a lil daredevil to be proud of, and of course sometimes freaked out. (I saw barefoot bob roost like no other after someone in my group told him about his boy, and I don't know anyone who would have done any different had they heard news like that) :beer_bang:
kick off weekend observations & trip reports
My4DrGSR replied to RAGDOLL MX's topic in 2007/2008 Season
lmao I love that quote! Thanks for sharing all the pics, wow you did get a ton! I pirated a few of them. Maybe I'll try your LANDslide next time and it'll make me wanna take pics too... -
HAHAHA!!! That's f'n great. So true tho...
kick off weekend observations & trip reports
My4DrGSR replied to RAGDOLL MX's topic in 2007/2008 Season
It was an awesome weekend glad I made it out. It was really cool meeting some new people and putting together faces and names, and seeing everyone I've been hanging out with the last 2-3 times I've been out. To everyone that hopped on what was gonna be a small group ride b4 sunset saturday and ended up having to wait up for me every couple minutes SORRY, we were gonna go on a lil 4 person ride cuz I'm still a lil leery after my superman episode in Coral, lol. Thanks for lookin out tho I'm just a lil wary around alot of people cuz I don't want everyone staring at me or waiting back to follow me, it makes me nervous. Few more notes: 1) Tim, thanks for breaking my rail-wheelie virginity lmao. 2) Joe, thanks for the ride on Sunday before we left too, and Pete it was awesome following you I would like to go on another ride like that too, it was great fun. 3) Stacy has a hard noggin thank goodness. Hope you're feelin alright girlie. 4) Barefoot Bob really is always barefoot. Glad your son is gonna be ok. 5) Sobe Bomb Wars in rapid fire mode are a bad idea... let's remember that next time lol. 6) Getting out to Comp with the Yukon and going for beers, and hearing someone ask "why is there a speaker in the cooler?" LMFAO Thanks woody for the awesome vid and the pics sharing, and jodi and pete for more pics too. Next time I will take pics, haha. I have not been in camera mood lately. Can't wait to see everyone next time out! -
Maybe I'm an a-hole cuz I don't have kids, but I thought that was pretty cool... I know I drove my Dad's boat since I was like 7, and backed the truck with the boat and trailer down a rocky dirt trail to drop it in a few times, think I was between 10-12 (LOL even as I kid I thought my Dad was crazy for that one the 1st time, I think I gunned the gas in reverse the first time and bout gave him a heart attack, and/or almost ran him over!) If I learned to ride quads that young I probably wouldn't hurt myself so much, that kid's gonna be even more awesome later... I would have at least put a helmet on him though. In case this freaks ya'll out, I don't plan on having kids ever, I just want neices and nephews, lol. My sis-in-law just might kill me someday, we'll see how bad I freak her out when I take the chitlens with me and they do something crazy
That would be great, I forgot we did send alot of magazines too. They have a place to watch movies so DVD's would be cool too.
That's so sad, but thanks for sharing the account of the situation with us and all the detail, it is important to think of safety when riding and I know I've already done some dumb things, I'm still learning though, but even the most seasoned riders need to keep learning since the dunes are ever-changing. I'm glad you could help even though it ruined your day, it's nice to know other helpful people are out there riding with us.
We did mostly snacks and drinks, one of our friends said she felt like she was runnin a convenience store once she unloaded the packages, and one of the others opened the fridge and was shocked to see it stocked with monsters, lol.
I mentioned this to a few ppl before, but I've been very busy packing/moving and looking for a new house so I never got the info out (sorry.) I know several people on here know some of the Red Horse Air Force guys we hang out with and ride with, and the others that don't ride that are just as great anyways My work has been paying for the shipment of care packages to our Red Horse units in Iraq, They really appreciated it and thought it was great, so we're going to do it again, if you want to bring stuff by, or donate money and one of our employees, who is former Air Force, offered to do the shopping, we're gonna send more packages. MJ Dean, 5055 W. Patrick Ln, Ste # 101 Message me if u have any questions. Thanks! PS- if you do come by and want to see how much they appreciate it ask to see the picture and the notes, it's really cool, and some of the comments are really funny.
SEMA week is one of my favorite weeks of the year. I have some great stories, too bad I'm a horrible storyteller... :mischevious: Here's a touch on some things I learned over years of SEMA: -If you pick up a writer for a truck magazine from the airport with Jello shot BUCKETS you get added to the write-up for the show -How long it takes to finish interior panels/etc. for a SEMA dually in front of my house -That another dually on the front lawn taking a bath digs a massive muddy hole in the yard when done -That you can get bums to give u money and buy you drinks -That there are ALOT of prostitutes at the Hard Rock and the Palms during big conventions -My old house could sleep 20 plus people (I forget the final count), and that many people with the associated amount of alcohol equals an INSANE amount of garbage, and we were only there a couple hours an evening... -St. Rose Pkwy the 1st year it was finished being widened from Eastern made a great Drag Strip for some video footage a friend wanted for his next DVD (Drag as in THROW SPARKS not racing) Yeah, I need to learn how to be a good storyteller, Good times always...
That's so sad, sorry to hear it. I cried when I heard my childhood sheltie died, and he'd moved to Denver with my Dad at least 5 years prior. He was pretty old though. My brother's Boxer died a year ago February, he was young too, 7 or 8, he had cancer, apparently common in pure breed boxers. He was a great doggie I miss him, here he is with his new friend just a couple months before he died: he seemed so healthy, but the last 2 months he just plunged. They had tried meds and stuff but it was too far along.
I feel ya. Luckily I have all my regualr doctors situated finally, so as long as none of them move away I'm good. If I move away I'll come back for my appointments, no joke. Specialists, on the other hand, for non-regualr stuff... The bone doctors I went to when I fractured my wrist riding were effin weird. They didn't explain anything ever, they put the 1st cast on WRONG and I had to go back the next day to do it over. One grabbed my wrist with no warning when I got the cast off and man-handled it, if it wasn't for my physical therapist I would have no idea wtf was going on, I'd never broken anything. I think they expect you to know things already, I dunno. One of them really wanted to put a screw (not a pin, a screw, excuse me for making that lil mistake) in my wrist, and seemed thoroughly disappointed when he looked at the x-rays and i didn't need it... (as I breathed a sigh of relief, I didn't want surgery!!!) Just to touch on a couple of the oddities.
Oohhh... Pete did a :smoker: . Now you need to be ... Oh who am I kidding,
you make me I'll :freakin_nuts: to this one!
HAHA cool looks like fun, I'm from Seattle, I'm going up in September for a wedding... plane ticket prices to go up there really suck tho! More than my tickets to friggin Disney World, un-f'n-beleivable.
That's awesome Danielle, and I completely agree with you, this site managed to keep my teensy bit of sanity intact after a rough month last month, last week being the king topper... If I hadn't gone on here and read the funny threads I might have cracked. Thanks everyone, and I can't wait to meet the rest of you guys, everyone I have met has been fun!
If I had the boat I'd be at the lake in a couple hours. It's in Phoenix. I'm supposed to get the waverunner to add to our lake fun. For some reason ($$$) that hasn't happened yet (Ok I had some money and bought a quad 1st lol.) So now I have lake withdrawals and dune withdrawals, and no money to get my fix.
Shooting bottle rockets at the guy with the hose... ha ha just kiddin. Although I really wouldn't be threatened by a hose, have you noticed the weather right now? Get out the BB gun, that would be more fun anyhow... I'm really mad they cancelled Red, White, and Boom the first year I'm not going to Powell for the 4th...
I wanna go to lake powell or lake mojave that weekend, but if my bro doesn't wanna do that i'll go riding in cinders... if I can get someone else to go with me lol.
You guys just can't walk away from this topic, can you?
HAHAHA! First of all I was gonna agree with your post, then I was gonna add to it with something witty I'm sure, but I saw your quote and I LUV IT. I'm gonna pirate it, lol... ok fine i'll give u quote credits... I have no idea what I was gonna add to this thread since I read that, haha.
Ok, I did feel bad for the girl when I heard about this last week, but yet I still smiled and chuckled at this thread today, and nothing has had that effect on me yet this week... So I guess I'll be on that rail to hell... oh well... Thanks for making me smile DDR, even tho it was at someone else's expense...
Ha ha... I just noticed as I was pirating Calebs pics (thanks again man) that the 2nd group photo has Bella kissing Sabrina... There is proof of the lesbo doggy action we saw that weekend, lmfao... And YES DON you're car is BADASS thanks for letting me drool, I mean ride in it, it was tons-o-fun!
THANKS CALEB!!! I wanted pics but didn't feel like taking any, ha ha go figure. Thats awesome. The first pic of Dave by the fire is really cool looking, and i luv the group pics. Where's the one of Stacy catching the lil green men outside her toy hauler? LOL...