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Everything posted by OGP

  1. Thats a sick a$$ Jew Canoe!!! Is it for sale yet? I want it!!!!!
  2. Its got rear bypasses on it. I think they are only 2 tube dual bypasses instead of 3 tube triple bypasses.
  3. This is a badass car. Cant wait to hit the dunes and compare it to my V8 car. Its shorter and lighter so Im sure it will steer even quicker than my car.
  4. friggin moron, theres is absolutely no excuse for running out of fuel in an airplane unless there was a major leak the developed in flight.
  5. 3.5 honda and Id ask randizzle or JOEDUNER the rest.
  6. I didnt have the chance to take my mini van out to dumont last yr. Did 7 Glamis trips with it but no dumont. Hoping this season I will get more dumont seat time in it. Going to the dunes with just the rhino sucks! Im curious how well the dejong is going to handle for Joe compared to his mini van. I know he said the mini van was the best handling car hes ever driven. Also my experience. I know the Dejongs are killer through the whoops and big bumps but very interested to see how it turns. I have driven my neighbors Dejong a few times and it felt ok, but didnt push it like my own car of course. Any bets on how long he keeps this one? LOL
  7. If you cant keep up with the mini vans, you might as well talk shiat about them lol
  8. My guess is that there are over 500 cars out there with a 2d behind an LS1. I think its more driving style that will brake the tranny. This car originally had a 4e in it and had no problems I hear.
  9. awesome car for sure. I like the body and fenders. I think thats one of the things that makes those cars look so cool. Doesnt look like every other cookie cutter car out there. The dejongs run the whoops like no other. Congrats Bro
  10. was comming to vegas this thursday morning. looks like ill wait until the afternoon now. Late afternoon.
  11. Have you bought another 1 yet? I say within 2 weeks we will see a pic of another car in his garage.
  13. Im in so cal so Im pretty sure the guy that did mine wouldnt be able to do one in vegas. Amerimax is the manufacturer of the product though. Make sure whoever does it uses them and not some cheap china shiat.
  14. there was a post on here a while back. A guy saying he does aluminum covers cheap. I have done a few of the alumawood and they are awesome. Look great and never a leak.
  16. Well if Will Smith gets his chit repo'd, were all in big trouble. Id say at that point, CHANGE has failed us all.
  17. thanks all, She is a wonderful little girl with a huge heart. We are very proud of her.
  18. i use synthetic in mine. I swear by synthetic oils
  19. I have the filter and the oil ready to go in mine. As soon as I get it back from the river,I will do a complete service on it. Oil,filter,fuel filter,air filter, spark plug. I cant believe the hours mine has on it already. My hauler is only a few seasons old. Im hoping to install an inverter before dune season. Makes much more sense than running the generator just to watch a movie. Thanks for the reminder Rob.
  20. A while back, my 7 yr old daughter was watching tv when a commercial came on for locks of love. She went in and asked my wife what is was and why the little girls didnt have any hair. My wife and daughter together got on the internet and reasearched locks of love. They found out the over 80% of kids that receiver hair are from other little kids. My daughter asked me and my wife is she could cut her hair so another little kid would have hair. We talked this over with her for several weeks to make sure this is what she wanted to do. I did not want her to cut her hair, but under the circumstances I felt it was the right thing to do. THEY NEED A MINIMUM OF 10 INCHES OF HAIR IN A PONY TAIL FOR DONATION. We scheduled an appointment today at HAIR FX SALON to get her new dooo. The stylist was amazing. She was fantastic with my daughter and did a great job. Overall she ended up cutting off 11 inches for the ponytail. Im very proud of my little girl for wanting to do this to help another child out. She came up with this all on her own. Here are a few pictures taken. We are also sending a few to the newspaper.
  21. We need more COOKING SCHOOL pictures!
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