Well the story goes something like this. I sell my boat last week and start searching for a replacement boat. Ihit some websites,river related forums and there I find it, On a dune related website Not to mention any names but it has to do with the IMPERIAL sand dunes A badass looking boat in what appears to be bitchin condition. I email the guy and ask a few questions etc. He emails me back with yeah its like new. Almost perfect condition, the only thing the boat needs is an oil change. We talk a few times on the phone and send close to 100 text messages. I ask just about every question you could imagine. Always the answer is the boat is great taken very good care of it runs great no damage except a little ding in the rear etc. He sends me a few more pics that I ask for and we agree on a price. He lives in phoenix area so we agree to meet in quartzsite. A 3 hour drive from me. This morning I get up at the but crack of dawn and hit the road, yeah I was a bit excited about the boat. About a half hour into my drive I send him another text, Just want to make sure that everything with the boat is good, I can put it in the water today and my family can spend a week at the river with it. The answer yes its turn key ready to go. the only thing is it needs an oil change.
Well I arrive in quartzsite a few mins early. Hes 5 mins behind no big deal. He pulls into the parking lot with boat in tow. From a distance it looks ok. 5 feet away I see all kinds of stuff wrong. Upholstery damage, hull damage etc. I ask to open the engine compartment. He does. The motor is filthy, not like the pictures, there is oil in the bottom of the bilge plug wires a different color etc. I go to get a rag out of my truck and he closes the engine compartment. Umm Id like to look back in there some more. THEN I PULL THE DIPSTICK..... MILKY WHITE OIL AND VERY VERY THICK. Umm theres water in the oil, Oh I didnt know that, Ummm why is there oil in the bilge? the crankcase breather seal needs to be replaced. Sounds like at a very minimum blown head gasket to me. I jump out of the boat and inspect the hull. Ummm when did the hull get damaged and fixed? Must have been before I got it. Several chips gouges and a halfass repair to major damage to the hull. I move a seat cushion and another part of the interior falls over. Ok dude Im done. No thanks Ill pass. What If i knock off $1000 dollars for you. Umm no thanks. The extra gas to tow the boat home is worth more than the boat itself. WTF......... 6 hours of my life wasted!!!!! Buyers beware. If you see this boat advertised...... JUST SAY NO!!!!!!! Then I get home and look at the pictures some more. The date on the pictures are 3 years old!!!!!