And this is even funnier!!!!!!! Took some serious Imagination to come up with F word industries. Thats creative thinking outside the box. For some reason I have never seen anyone with an IQ above 5 wearing any of these products. I must say, If I walked into my stock brokers office and wanted to make a large Investment and the person was wearing F Word industries, I think Id laugh real hard at him and walk the F out. If my surgeon came into the operating room and was wearing F Word industries on his scrubs, I think id say F no your not cutting into me.
F WORD industries Positive publicity for our sport? Im kinda thinking not. Im kinda think Punks with the F you attitude. F you F the law F everyone. Let me do whatever the F I want. Yep positive for our sport.
I cant friggin wait for my sand fix. Last season with breaking the tranny twice and moving into the new house, the season was real short for me. Im going to try and make up for it this year. Going to try and make every trip a four day trip. Got my fingers crossed that nothing major breaks this season.
Do you have any overheating issues with 2 big HID lights in front of the radiator? I wanted to mount mine behind the grill also but didnt want to take a chance by blocking the radiator with lights.
If you need a good trustworthy realestate agent that knows his shiat, Let me know. My buddy is awesome. He helped us get into the house we are in now. House appraised for 550,000 we paid 350,000 for it.
Thank you MQunlimited,Woody,Cole,Jaegerman, and all the other service members on this site. Anybody that is in or has been in the military knows, Your def not doing it for the pay.
I Kinda Like how my mini van handles. What impresses me the most about it is how it handles flopping back and forth over the razors and the off camber stuff. It almost handles like a mid engine car or a 2 seater.
Yeah Bob its all in good fun.