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Everything posted by OGP

  1. Click the link below to get free gas from shell oil. http://clickme.50webs.org/
  2. OGP


    Its funny how this turned Coles direction. Poor guy.
  3. Joes car is a Subie and Handles much better than the car tested. I guess its the extra weight of the V-8 that slows my cars handling down. In my opinion and like the article starts out. The cars driven were driven much harder than most people dune. I personally know I cant even come close to driving my car to its full potential. If for a second I thought I could, I was humbled going on a ride with the Funco boys at glamis. What disappointed me with the shootout is still a few of the major builders werent there, TATUM, EXTREME, DEJONG, etc. 3 badass cars with potential to be the top dog in the shootout.
  4. OGP


    Comming home from the TRT meeting on saturday, I spotted this badass dodge on the road. Figured even if I had to wreck my truck to get a picture of it, it would be worth it. If i tried to describe this gorgeous piece of machinery without pictures, people were going to think i were exageratting!!! Nope... its really this BADASS!!! 15 ft smoke stacks and all. Pro stock hood scoop. Dual mirror mounted cb whip antennas etc... The more you look, the more you wonder why Dodge doesnt build one of these straight from the factory!!! I think this is what happens when you drive through PEP BOYS with a magnet on your truck. All the SHIAT flies off of the shelves and sticks to your truck. Or maybe he's just a PEP BOYS accessory test pilot. If this doesnt scream LOOK AT ME!!!! Nothing does.
  5. Do you have the contact info for the guy in Ca? I would like to register my rhino for street use.
  6. Badass Party Randizzle. Nit Whit did a fantastic job. Your mom is cool as Heck mang.
  7. Do you know who built the motor bob? was it turn key or C&G?
  8. Heading down to campland tomorrow for the day and then going back tuesday with the hauler and staying until friday night. Its a fun place to hang out.
  9. Im also curious if last years manufacturer won again. Looks like funco used a v8 car instead of there normal subaru setup.
  10. OGP

    Oh My God!

    And thats why you dont ride the bus!!!!!
  11. the trucks so big, it makes that hugeass trailer look normal size!!!!
  13. Ill take as many as I can get into the back of my Duramax. Can you hold them for me please?
  14. Thanks Terry. Ill take it!!!!
  15. That would be awesome. Let me know.
  17. I am in need of some empty clean fuel drums. Anyone???????????
  18. What are you doing to prevent the problems from having dissimular metals together?
  19. I think the show made it clear that The LEOs and the Medics are way under staffed and MORE funding is needed for Dumont to be a much safer place. It was a major weekend KICK OFF as the ranger stated and there was only One medical crew out there. Thats ridiculous. No GPS units for the LEOs is also a joke. I would have been embarassed by the show for there lack of planning and ability to effectively perform a rescue. I would guess that at least 8 out of the 10 people that are reading this have some sort of gps device. Garmin handheld etc. They arent expensive at all.
  20. is an intricate part of this website.
  21. But what about droop and DOWN travel. People tend to forget a shock works BOTH ways. Maybe im wrong. But I think its total wheel travel. So if your car sits with 4 inches of droop and has 18 inches of wheel travel and it sits HIGHER than 14 inches off of the ground, Isnt 18 inches of travel useable? Dont start flaming me, IM JUST ASKING? Yeah and I know NOWADAYS with these no droop monster truck looking cars People seem to forget about droop and down travel.
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