it will take off. Drop a feather from the sky, as its falling, shoot it with a stream of compressed air. Does it move forward? Yes. Does it matter whats below it? No. This is the same theory of a jet. Compressed air pushing an object forward. Has nothing to do with whats under it. Another example, Put a rubber band on the front of a hotwheel car. Place the hotwheel on a treadmill. Pull the car all the way back to stretch the rubber band. Now turn the treadmill on AS FAST AS YOU WANT. SPEED DOESNT MATTER BECAUSE THERE IS NO FRICTION. Now let go of the hotwheel. Does it go forward? Yes. This is the same thing as a prop on a regular airplane. It pulls the airplane just like a rubber band will pull the hotwheel. iF THE WHEELS DROVE THE AIRPLANE/VEHICLE IT WOULD NOT FLY, But since it is driven by a difference in air pressure the wheels are totally out of the equation. So again YES it will fly.