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Everything posted by OGP

  1. Doesnt it suck that we even have to lock our stuff up? I hope the guys that stole this rhino get caught.
  2. I personally would pay whatever fees it takes to keep Dumont open. If people are going to snivel and pout over a $120.00 a YEAR pass. Then youre in the wrong sport. My guess is... that the person doing the complaining here probably doesnt even pay the fee. My guess is More than likely its his Mommy and Daddy. I may be wrong though.
  3. congrats on the new hauler!!!
  4. OGP


    I heard...... A helluvalot. TO THE REAR WHEELS!!!!!!
  5. as rhino king said. Leave it stock. All a new pipe does is make it louder and most of them lose bottom end and midrange power.
  6. and how many people that bitchand complain all of the time showed up to the trt meeting? "which was held on a saturday so that these people could show up"
  7. I was out there during that EPO challenge and that footage doesnt even begin to show how fast some of those guys were going. It was pretty cool. It is a very technical section of the dunes.
  8. part number for these lights is 99000CSK The link to the coupon is this http://www.partsamerica.com/surveystart.aspx?surveyKey=4H7R They ask for a store number and a transaction code in the survey. I just made up a store number 247 and I made up a bogus transaction code 663478 and it worked. Once you fill out the survey it links you to a page where you can print out a 25% off coupon. Saved me $60.00 WOOHOO!! Im going to put a set or 2 on the Duramax!!!! Bright friggin lights, Loudass horn. My neighbors Love me
  9. Is that the old Busch Gardens?
  10. I just got 2 pairs of these today. Great lights for a cheap price. I had to go to 2 different Kragens to get them. Each store only carries 2 at a time because of the price 1 of the store managers told me. I went to the Kragen website and filled out a survey and got a 25% off discount coupon. So $193. and some change out the door for a pair of HID lights. Not bad. I hooked one up on my buggy and left one acro HID light on to compare. I like the cheapy HID pattern better.
  11. Ill be there. Im going out on december 26th or 27th and staying through jan 6th. Cant wait. I need a sand fix
  12. On our way home from glamis veterans day, Woody and I stopped in a mcdonalds. There were 3 BROS there that were all dressed the same, Had the same tattoos and had the same haircuts etc. I thought it was funny as hell. People used to get tattoos to be an individual. Now these Flatbillers are getting tattoos to look just like the next Flatbiller. Flames, nautical star, Iron cross, etc........ And I would guess half of the retards dont even know what the Iron cross, nautical star, represents. Next time you see one of the a$$hats wearing SRH ask them what it stands for. Duhhhh I dont know, But it sure does look cool.
  13. Did you take a second and bend down and pick up a bag? Or do you just like to biatch?
  14. tHE THREE WORD GAME SUCKS!!!!! And the funny part is, Its not even being played the correct way. Youre supposed to take the last of the three words and make it the first or your three words. like Dumont Kicks a$$ a$$ rock sucks Sucks not blows Blows a hole etc......
  15. The soup kitchen is where you end up when you take a wrong turn in the wrong friggin neighborhood. Kinda scary. Luckily I was rollin in the denali. Fits right in with the other neighborhood Pimps!!!!!
  16. OGP

    Oregon Dunes?

    I wonder if there is a rust problem in the dune areas there as it is in pismo. Go to bed with a perfectly new car. Wake up to a serious rust bucket.
  17. lets buy it and start a vegas tour bus company. we can tour the ghettos. Martin luther king street, stop at the soup kitchen for lunch etc....
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