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Everything posted by OGP

  1. OGP


    That came across wrong thats why i edited the post. Looked like he was bashing the looks of the car.
  2. OGP


    Im sure when they were building this car, it wasnt about looks. V8 rails are all about performance. Its going to be interesting to see how the new design stands up to the old design
  3. I run paddles on my rhino and like it. They feel like crap on the hard packed areas but do great in the dunes.
  4. hey cole where did you see or read this? I saw this either online or in a magazine before. I cant remember where.
  5. An open letter to the person(s) who stole my cds/DVDs. On the evening of October 6th or 7th, some personal items had come up missing. Right as i get home from Dumont, i unload all of my toys and noticed that my CDs and DVDs were missing. I retraced my steps and tried to remember either loaning them, leaving them or even possibly donating them to a worthy cause. Putting two and two together, I now know what happened, and am trying to put together an accurate mental picture of you, the person who took them. I like my stuff, and I like keeping it whenever possible. That said, I understand some thefts. If you are, persay, addicted to something, and you steal something from me because you need to buy that something and stealing is the only way to make that happen, then I get that. I still wish you wouldn't do it, but I get it. Or if you need to feed yourself or your family or your dog and and you need to steal something to do it, then I get that, too. Those are crimes of necessity, however that necessity came about. But that's not the case here. Not even close. As I'm sure you noticed when you got home/sobered up/looked more closely, the CDs/DVDs you stole was not a nice one. I got them one by one, and some burned ones as well that were given to me in one way or another. I especially liked my "Real Men of Genius CD". Nobody in their right mind would give you any money for them, and there are many more valuable things laying out in garbage cans or on the side of the road. You must have stole it to decorate them. If you were casually walking around our camp at night (as I doubt you came in from out of town or state to pull this 'heist'), then chances are, you camped around here. Chances are equally good that you could very well afford to purchase your own CDs/DVDs instead of stealing mine. Or, maybe you're just trying it out for a bit, and I'll one day find it back in my trailer after you sadly discover that it just doesn't sound right in your beater pick up Kraco stereo system. This is fair warning you to you, then, that I'm keeping my eyes open, and I know what they looks like. If I see it in your your truck, I'm taking it back. If i see it in your hauler through a window, you and I are going to have an unpleasant conversation (unlike car thieves or bank robbers, I'm not terribly intimidated by 'cCD/DVD thieves'). Or maybe I'll just take something of yours and use it at my place. Tit for tat. "Theft With Intent To Decorate" is something so unnecesarry, so achingly annoying (and, let's face it, so Victorian Village) that I wish I could run into you someday, just so you could see the face I'd make at you. It's the look on your grandmother's face as you trip her on purpose. It's the look on your parents face when you tell them you were dropping out of college to focus on your "real spiritual development as a person". It's like a whole host of angels coming down and singing "What The fk?" all at once. I'm making the face right now, actually. So Bravo!, thief of the night. You have my scratched CDs and DVDs. As you bask in it's glow, I hope you feel good about the kind of person you turned out to be.. And if I might suggest it, perhaps remember that I burned most of the CDs, and even a computer program that hosted a virus for just this type of occasion by me, a less than skilled computer guru. So from now on I'll be sitting out nights in my hauler, with my one remaining CD that was in my truck, hoping that it's partners are out there somewhere, infecting your computer, scratching your DVD player and not ejecting from your CD player and constantly replaying "Tiny Dancer" from Elton John untill your f*cking head explodes! Sincerely yours, OGP Written by Cole but my feelings exactly Thanks cole
  6. I personally think your car handles much better than the tom pro cars for overall duning.
  7. Nice set up. The Next level trailers are the nicest out there in my opinion!!!!
  8. See what happens when your nice to people, You get f'd. Ive been pretty cool with people out in the dunes. So Ive thought. Ive let people stay in my hauler, given people rides in my car, let people eat my food and drink my beverages. And this is how they say thank you. It amazes me how people dont appreciate it. This last trip, a few people that went for rides in my car, got out, didnt say thank you. Didnt fasten there seat belts back up and left the belts hanging outside against the paint,and actually left there empty beer cans in my seat pockets!!!! Im over it! I am taking the rear seat belts out of my car so noone can ride with me anymore. And whoever STOLE my shiat....... Your a scumbag. You will get what you have comming to you.
  9. I have the entry form here, and it says the regatta is on the 10th. I probably need to go onto funcos website. Just to make sure
  10. OGP


    I hope it doesnt break down either. Trying to get a heavy car out of the dunes is tough. How much does it weigh?
  11. It would be very hard to call a TOM PRO mini the best with the other 2 major mini builders. SSC AND KING. Im sure Tom Pro cars do certain things the best, and im sure ssc does certain things the best as does king. Im sure it all comes down to what you are going to use it for. My personal opinion is, If you buy a car based soley on looks, you are making a big mistake. Unless of course, you are buying it to enter it in car shows.
  12. Whoever BORROWED my CD's and DVD's over the Kickoff weekend WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, I WANT THEM BACK. PLEASE!!!!!
  13. So how did this turn into a bash Funco thread? Don doesnt even owne a friggin Funco. If you want to bash his car, Bash Purple cars, or desert dynamic cars. If we want to start Bashing cars, lets start a new thread and let the bashing begin. As I recall, Last time I had an opinion about the looks of certain types of cars, I became the a-hole. :wedgie:
  14. You know I am in!!!!! Nov 9-12 I and possibly Joe will be at the Funco regatta out in Glamis. Sounds like alot of people that said that they werent going to go out to Dumont on the big weekends anymore are going to be going out this year. WOOHOO!!!!! The riding on the big weekends may not be as fun But the spectating sure is!!!!!
  15. looks like that would be a ton of fun to drive. wow You might even be able to loop out that rhino.
  16. duelor die chris, is looking at Tom Pro. Talk to him. I think he has researchded the minis.
  17. i was down at Jeffs shop today. the car is there and lookin good woody. DID YOU SEE THE OTHER POST FOR THE NORTHSTARS? Cheap motor. Go for it.
  18. OGP

    hmmm scam?

    they are running this scam with money orders and cashiers checks also.
  19. looks like good times randog. Whenever we go, We stay at the orchid. Its my fav place on the big island. Did you go down to the water while you were there and see the big sea turtles that hang out on that beach?
  20. OGP

    hmmm scam?

    what they do, He will send you a check for more than the amount you are asking. The check will clear your bank. You will send him the amount back over your asking price. Then uh oh. Your bank will find that the check has been canceled on his end. ou will now be resposible for the money your bank paid to you. This scam has been going on for a long time. I have a check here for 3500 dollars. I was selling some wheels for 1200 and the guy thought I would actually go through with the transaction. I just kept the check for the hell of it.. Luckily my radar was correct that something was fishy. Id been out 3500 dollars plus a set of 20 inch wheels and tires
  21. Im sure they will start making wide offset wheels for the rzr like they do the rhino. That alone adds a ton of stability to them. Glad noone got hurt. now you have the perfect excuse to do a custom cage and paint
  22. I like listening to the engine when I drive and the other noises my car makes. I think it keeps me more in tune with my car and whats going on.
  23. I totally agree. I wish chevy would come out with a f 450 equal. The 450 is badass. Wasnt trying to bash, Just curious since ash is a 450 owner if he has been told what the problem is. If there were 2 duramaxs broken down, Id wanna know why so i can avoid having it happen to me.
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