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Everything posted by OGP

  1. WHAT MADE ME HAPPY THIS WEEKEND!!!!! And doing side by side wheelies with my bro joeduner. Cant wait until we can get a tres hermanos wheelie!!!!
  2. EVERYONE THAT DRIVES A BUD LIGHT FUNCO SUCKS!!!!! If dont drive a BUD LIGHT funco, Then it doesnt apply to you and dont worry about it. Thats the point Im trying to make.
  3. MOST PEOPLE ARE HONEST............. And pay etc. If there isnt anyone there etc.. so be it. The b*tch is the a$$hats that are trying to get out of paying the 20 bucks. LIKE I SAID... MOST PEOPLE ARE HONEST. but like everything else, There are a few people that want to fk it up for the rest of us. This weekend was messed up. PEOPLE DIDNT KNOW WHERE OR HOW TO PAY ETC. And the BLM people didnt know how to handle it either/unprepared. BUT why are people getting all butthurt if this doesnt apply to you? If you are a paying Dumont user, and have good intentions... THIS DOESNT APPLY TO YOU. But if you use Dumont and dont pay OR have any intentions of paying like the rest of us........ In my opinion, YOU SUCK!!!!
  4. I think the rangers at Dumont should do the same as they do at glamis. Roll through peoples camps and look for passes. If you dont have a pass displayed in your window.... YOU GET A TICKET. They dont go for the BS EXCUSES. Uhhhhhh I was going to get one on the way out. Unfortunately, there are way to many people like 1BADYFZ that as he stated wouldnt pay if noone was there when they are leaving. Its obvious that is what he hopes for when he leaves... no one there... f it Im not payin. Dude... if you cant afford 20 bucks for a weekend pass. Youre in the wrong sport.
  5. On my way home from Dumont yesterday, there were 2 brand new ford f 450's towing 5th wheels broken down on the side of the 15 frwy. 1 of them had already disconnected his trailer and was getting loaded onto a flat bed and the other had its hood open and was smoking when I went by. Does anyone know what is going on with these new trucks? So far since they have been out, I have seen 4 of them broken down on the side of the road while towing heavy trailers. Have you heard any feedback on this Ash?
  6. The season couldnt have started any better!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! cant wait until halloween.
  7. glad hes ok. Its scarry as hell to see your kids hurt.
  8. hummmmm I have a feeling TOPIC CLOSED is comming soon. lol
  9. Are you a FLATBILLER? You have the same attitude as Most FLATBILLERS? Point is, you knew you needed a pass and it seems you tried to scam and not get a pass. You got caught and now all of the sudden the Ranger is the d*ck. Walt is one of the nicest guys I have ever met, If he says YOU had the attitude, I believe him. So, are you going to put a spark arrestor in your bike?
  10. MY observations 1.Toy car 3 Monster size rail 0. If its made to go fast and jump real good. It at least should be faster than my TOY car. 2. If you bet on Cole crashing, You wiill Always win. 3. round belly, round belly, round belly, square belly. 4. wind Sucks 5.Mary's boob prints look great on Baberts hood 6.sorry about the broken window Babert 7. If you have a car that says BUD LIGHT on it, Everyone that drinks BUD LIGHT wants to wave at you. 8.Amanda is no longer a WHEELIE VIRGIN
  11. I have a spark arrestor on my rhino. Whats the big deal. Put one on. And how is asking you to pay for a pass strong arming you? There was noone there when I got to dumont either. But I made the effort to go get a pass before I left. If you want to use the dunes, you gotta pay. Im sure the rangers get sick and tired of having to stop people on there way out for not having a pass. Quit trying to beat the system and buy a friggin pass. Just my 2 cents.
  12. HOLY CRAP... Here we go again with the "HILLSHOOTER" BULLSHIT lol I sense this is gonna get good.
  13. Glad you got your kid back.
  14. Yes, Faria was there but got hurt. I think broken ankle.
  15. Very nice Steve... CONGRATS
  16. thursday through sunday. but it wasnt a choice on the poll.
  17. Dumont... Worse than Kenny? thats funny. Oh shiat... thats my jam!!!!!!!!!!
  18. are you sure this person is getting the calls? wouldnt it suck to get this bummed out just to find out this person wasnt able to get your calls. lost/dead cell phone etc.
  19. This whole pass thing is confusing as hell. Im just going to go out there and pay with a credit card. Running around town or stopping in baker seems like a pain in the a$$ to go duning. This was very poorly planned or I should say very poorly not planned. Typical government BS.
  20. now Ive just got to figure out how to put paddles on those wheels?
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