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Everything posted by OGP

  1. OH BOY.... here we go again. I thought we just discussed all this is the monster sized rail section. LOL i GUESS MONSTER SIZING EVERYTHING IS THE WAY TO GO NOWADAYS. OOPS CAPS sorry
  2. yep, Im busted!!!!! My uglyass Miss piggy mini van will fit in with the other funco guys Im going with though. Strength in numbers man!!!!!
  3. Im probably headed to Glamis on thursday with a few other guys. I have never been out there in my buggy with people that really know Glamis. A few Of the funco guys that have been going there for years are going this weekend and have invited me to go. I really want to go so in the future when I go, I know the ins and outs and the fun areas. There is more to glamis then olds hill and the sand drags and Id like to explore it. It will be fun marking the routes on my GPS for future use. I also have heard that these guys really haul a$$ through the dunes. Im sure I wont be able to hang with them, But it will be alot of fun tryin.
  4. PIZZA DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!
  5. No chance of looping out in the Rhino!!!!!
  6. OGP

    new rail

    Looks great, Cant wait to see it out in the dunes!!!!
  7. And buy the way... that mosebuilt car at the sandshow was badass. In my opinion which I know doesnt matter, I thought it was one of if not the nicest car there.
  8. Anyone going to the Speedway world championships tonight at the Orange county fairgrounds in Costa mesa? Ill be there with a few of my buddies. WOOHOO!!!!!
  9. Hey Buggy chick, Did you talk to my brother and see if it was his kid? lol
  10. Im in, Just not sure if Im bringing out the car or the rhino yet.
  11. Holycrap... where did this come from?
  12. Hummm I wonder if the cops would be interested in riding around in a BUD LIGHT SAND RAIL. lol
  13. I think alot of manufactures didnt show up because they know there cars are POS compared to the top builders. Why show up when you gonna get dogged out? I think the scoring system in the shoout was hookey. I saw how 1 driver scored a car a 5 and the other driver scored the same car a 1. How can that be?
  14. who makes the hiway troopers? 12 ply...... thats fuggin awesome
  15. so only if your financing it? F it...... Pay cash.
  16. Well Bob, If he was going to get his stuff back, Why did he show up with guns? Set up or not, He showed up with guns and goons. Guess hes that friggin stupid and predictable!!!!!! Someone obviously new he was comming and was gonna do something style. so they were smart enough to capture it on kodak. Hooray for them.
  17. cant wait for the season to start. Few more weeks.
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