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Everything posted by OGP

  1. I never said you have alot of time on your hands, What I said was..... your mouth is always moving and you post alot of useless shiat. If you want to get your post numbers up and be some kind of number post superstar...... Just ask Pete to changes your numbers. That way you can feel like some kind of postwore superstar and the rest of us dont have to weed through your dumbass posts to read what other people that really have something say are trying to say.
  2. Keep voting democrats into office and we will keep loosing more and more of our public land. I dont know why people cant see this?
  3. OGP

    new rail

    Damn,,,,,, whats all the fuss about the radiator? If he rolls the car, The radiator breaking will probably be the last of the worries.
  4. Hell I might even go back to work!!!!! GO JOE!!!!!!
  5. are you doing the build/assembly? or are you having it done? Jeff at bad medicine does awesome work and very very reasonable. You should give him a call.
  6. 10 posts in 2 hours and 47 mins Posted by on a topic basically started about someones usless posts and big mouth. she obviously still doesnt get the picture. Do we have a ShutTheHellUp Smiley we can also rename?
  7. Do you promise? Holy crap. I have never seen anyone talk about NOTHING like this woman can. Just in case you were wondering..... There is a spot on DDR called live chat. FRIGGIN USE IT!!!!!!!!! Cell phone or instant messages work to.
  8. Now if they would just put on a free wheelie bar so they dont LOOP OUT so easily.
  9. Im glad yamaha is stepping up to the plate and doing this for free. It will save them alot of money in the long run from lawsuits filed by a$$hats that roll there rhinos and get hurt and wanna blame someone else.
  10. Hey Bob, go to tribalwhips.com for 180 bucks that this other company is charging for 1, you can get 2 of there flags and Russell there gaurantees them. He is also currently making adapters to run full size flags on the whips. I run tribal whips on my car, rhino, my daughters quad, and now on top of my trailer flag pole. When compared to the others out there, TRIBAL WHIPS ARE THE BRIGHTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Ill be there tomorrow night. Anyone else going?
  12. I too would like to see some CLEARLY MARKED out of bounds markers out at Dumont. I personally have been out in the sperry wash area and have been on a trail and the next thing I know, I was out of bounds. I wasnt intentionally riding out of bounds, and as soon as we realized we were out of bounds we redirected ourselves. And If a fence keeps the dunes open, Put up a damn fence. If raising the fees keep our dunes open, Raise the friggin fees. There are always going to be dumbass flatbillers they will ride out of bounds regardless. Hopefully a fence would slow them down a bit.
  13. Well you almost kept your mouth shut!!!!!! Nice try. Just kiddin
  14. holy crap, A KID, gets into a car and turns the key and wrecks it. What the hell has that got to do with being male or female? 22 posts and shes already starting crap.......... Welcome to DDR!!!!!!!!
  15. No thanks. Im sure we will be reading about how this guy died in an accident soon enuff. Then all his freinds are going to be saying, Hummm I wonder what went wrong?
  16. i HAVE AN ELECTRIC IMPACT i BOUGHT FROM HARBOR FREIGHT. works great. Hopefully with the new wheels, I wont have to swap out trailer tires and paddles anymore. woohoo
  17. seatbelts??????? I dont need no friggin seat belts. I gotta bigass gut to bounce off the steering wheel. Yikes.... what an idiot.
  18. Hummm body lean, Whats that? lol If the shocks are storing up energy, Wouldnt dialing in the rebound damping help when the shock unloads? Alot of the long travel cars sit high up making the center of gravity alot higher creating the body lean. Some brands of cars, Are designing there cars lower to the ground so there is alot lower center of gravity. Also going with a flatter profile paddle tire helps the car slide instead of wanting to roll over. I think?
  19. How in the heck did you guys get budspounge to go?
  20. I got a case of this stuff from Cole in all the different flavors and it kicksass. WAY BETTER THAN MONSTER OR RED BULL
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