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Everything posted by OGP

  1. Whats cool about Funco, If they have the same problem more than twice, They know its a valid problem with there product and they go back and redesign the part that is failing. Gil George has been in this industry since it started and The Whole George family is Customer service related. No, Funcos arent the best car for everything. But in my opinion, they are by far the best cars to DUNE in. The handling of these cars is unreal.
  2. Whats awesome about SU, is there customer service. Not many other companies bring a semi trailer to the dunes and will work on customer cars out there. I think that is soooo awesome.
  3. OGP

    Polaris Rzr

    LOL HE SAID LOOP OUT!!!!!!!!!
  4. Wow Dani, Why in the hell would you bring Dons wife into this? You are seriously wanting to start some sh*t with Him I guess? If thats the case, You better be prepared for a Verbal bashing. Better put your big girl panties on. This Is going to get good!!!!
  5. I wonder if her belly button is peirced? That would be hot!!!!!
  6. OGP


    It Happened in the town I live in. And I know alot of People wouldnt have done anything due to the probability of retaliation later. That elder couple needed Help right then and I totally felt it was the right thing to do and step in. If the want to retaliate later, So be it. I have insurance.
  7. Im sorry. My panties were probably in a wad that day,
  8. Ummmmmmmm How bout you leave your DJ speakers at home and just bring your sand toys. And if you have a party at your house. I promise not to bring my sandtoys,
  9. OGP


    hEY jOSEPH, i DONT HATE ANYBODY BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK,WHITE,FRIGGIN BROWN,oR EVEN THE HOMOSEXUAL RAINBOW COLOR. i HATE a$$hats!!!!!!! And as far as Im concerned, 3 Punkass kids giving People older than YNOT a hard time qualifies for being an a$$hat!!!!!
  10. Thanks to all of the DDR Crew. You have an awesome site and some very cool Peeps. Keep up the good work. Hopefully we will have a get together like this on the 20 yr DDR anniversary. :freakin_nuts: MUTHA BITCHEZZZ!!!!!
  11. OGP


    Sorry Terry. But I just had tooo.
  12. OGP


    Sorry Terry. But I just had tooo.
  13. OGP


    I just walked in the door from going to lunch at McDonalds and the addrenaline is still pumping. I pulled up to McDonalds about 20 mins ago to get lunch. Because of my back problems, I have a handicap placard on my Denali so I get the good parking spots. As soon as I step out of my car, I see a few Kids, :fro: probably between the ages of 15 and 18 talking Shiat to an elderly couple . When I say elderly, I mean elderly. Probably 75 or 80, The man was using a walker. Older than YNOT. This couple looked pretty nervous. So I asked, what the problem was? 1 of the kids :fro: Said that the Manager was harrassing them because they are black. :fro: The manager said, Im not harrassing you because youre black, :fro: Im asking you to move your bikes. These three ummmmmmmmmmmmmm :fro: Kids Had leaned there bikes up against the rail and up against the wall blocking the sidewalk leaving the Mcdonalds. So I asked these ummmmmmmmmm :fro: a$$hats to move there bikes so the elderly couple could get by. At this time 1 of the ummmmmmmmm :fro: Punks Called me a racist. I said what does race have to do with this, Just move your f*ckin Bike and let theses People go by. 1 of the ummmmmmmmmmm :fro: Scumbags Started talking trash, Calling me all kinds of names etc. He even called me a FAT MUTHA F'er. Not Mutha Bitchezzz, Id been cool with that. So I politely kicked his bike out of the way and picked one of the other bikes up by the seat and threw it into the parking lot. He got all brave and made a gesture like he was going to hit me. I said, Are you Fuggin Kidding me!!!!! At that time, I reached into my Denali and got out my 6 cell mag light and asked him if he still wanted to hit me. The manager asked if he should call the police. I told him no, he better call an ambulance because TUPAC, 50CENT, and LL COOL J here are going to need it. Of course the friggin :fro: PUNKASSBITCHES :chkn: picked up theyre bikes and started to leave. Umm Stolen..... Probably. The elderly couple and the manager both thanked me for helping them out. If I would have just stood there and watched all this go on, Who knows how it would have ended up. 1 thing I do know, Is I would have been a total coward If I let these 3 :fro: Harrass this older couple And not step in. Call me a racist or whatever you will. But There was no way I was going to B a coward and just stand by and watch this.
  14. come oooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. My guess is... Nick wont get hurt at all. Rumor has it, He doesnt ride fast enuff to get hurt....... Just messin with ya nick. Have a blast on that bad boy.
  16. I heard maxxiss is making a new trailer tire that is supposed to be the shizzle. My friend put the e rated tires on his toyhauler and says it handles way better now. No trailer sway anymore.
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