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Everything posted by OGP

  1. These are the BS idiots I have to deal with in SO CAL all of the friggin time. What a bunch of retards. Yes its cool watching them jump. But watching them TRY to LOOK COOL is lame. We need a flatbillers suck Smiley.
  2. This looks like its going to be a bitchin little car.
  3. U are kidding right? Why would anyone want a quad with 87 technology with all of the new stuff that is out there. Yes the banshee is an awesome hill shooter. But overall duner, There is soooo much better out there.
  4. Welcome to the Farm equipment posseeeeeeee.
  5. CAN YOU SAY INVISARAIL?????????????
  6. Wow, A Ford with a tranny problem.... Thats a shocker!!!!!! Rhino King, Steveo,Cole,JJ, Who else? Why do these trannies seem to have so many problems?
  7. Im getting the Bud Light Mobile back this week. Woohoo. Taking it out that weekend for its shakedown run.
  8. You have always Been invited Bert. You are always welcome. I have told you that several times. Dont be Butt hurt!!!!! LOL
  9. Im in for that Bob. Just name when and where.
  10. Wheres the pictures with your wife sitting on top of it? Woohoo
  11. People seem to think just because your rv sleeps six that its ok to have six people in it all the time. I personally like my privacy and my freedom when I go to the dunes. Every so often I dont mind if someone crashes with me if I ASK THEM. But it gets real old when people ask, Dude can I just crash with you, Or do you have room for me. Yes I have room, But no, I dont want you stayin with me. If everyone would just start charging the freeloaders $50 a night or so. I think there would be less of this problem. And of course, Collect it up front. I personally think, If someone ask to ride out to the dunes with you, They should pay for all of the gas. Its my truck and trailer being used. Why shouldnt they pay for the gas? Just my 2 cents worth.
  12. Had a blowout yesterday on I 10 just outside of Palm Springs. Ever had to change a flat tire on a duramax when it is 110 fuggin degrees out? That royally sucked asssssssss!!!!!
  13. The buggy is in the shop so Ill have the rhino and lt 80 out there. Anyone else bring mini quads?
  14. I like the shirt!!!!!
  15. Well this is the perfect time of year to buy a car. Cheapest they are going to be. In another month or so, The prices will start going up.
  16. Why does it matter if the links are tight or loose to prvent getting stuck? I need to know because I seem to get stuck alot out there when others dont.
  17. I had the same speed wobble problem until I lowered the tongue of the trailer to a little below level. Now it tows rock solid.
  18. I need to get one on my lt 80 tooooooooooooo
  19. trailer pull up comp? Someone have a flatbed I can borrow? lol
  20. turbo honda..... woohoo!!!!!
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