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Everything posted by OGP

  1. OGP

    NEED a sandfix!

    Holy crap, Ive never seen the razors that sharp. Woohoo!!!!! Airtime!!!!!
  2. I grew up in the Palm Springs area and we lived in a country club. My friends and I would take out the golf carts at night and Party on the golf course next to the lakes. Lots of good times and only a few golf carts accidentally rolled into the lakes.
  3. Jeff from Bad medicine motorsports came by yesterday and picked up my car for a tranny freshening and some off season maintenance. Sand sports magazine is going to do an article on the installation of an AJS sequential shifter on a mendi trans, and needed a donor car. Well Ive been wanting to go seqential shift, So I gave Jeff the go ahead to install this new shifter. Is there anything about this shifter that I might be concerned about? I am going with the reverse lockout feature so accidental reverse is not possible. Any input would be appreciated.
  4. Also, Funcos seem to hold there value better than most cars out there.
  5. Im kind of a funco fan myself. I wasnt really to hip on them until I actually rode in and drove 1. Now me personally, I wouldnt own anything else. I loved my tatum, But as far as a fast duning car, You cant beat a funco. Yes they arent the best looking cars out there. But trust me, The looks grow on you as soon as you drive it. This past night ride at Dumont, I took a guy for a ride in my car. When he got out, He swore he would never say anything negative about a funco again. He said it was by far the best handling car he had ever been in.
  6. I think he meant physically go for a ride in the car Pete.
  7. 320 hp and the torque of a v8 in an 091, Looks like continuous problems to me.
  8. OGP


    Thats why you dont jump Farm equipment!!!!!
  9. Looks like im going to buy a season pass including holidays etc..
  10. WOOHOO monkies going to the dunes!!!!!!!
  11. OGP

    alum rim

    I have cms wheels on my funco.
  12. Wooohoooooooo Is that Drano?
  13. OGP

    New Game

    Well at least ANNA knows whos the Real Mutha Bitchezzz is lol
  14. I need this guys number dan. Id like to possibly turbo my car.
  15. When Pete and ISBB showed up, they both were white knuckled. Said it got scarry as hell.
  16. OGP


    Hippo doing the thong song dance? IMA THO UP LOL
  17. Wow, thats crazy!!!!!!
  18. Its awesome not having to swap tires on and off. Cant wait to get my new wheels on my funco so I dont have to swap anymore.
  19. OGP

    NEED a sandfix!

    I hear alot of people get sick riding in cars with windshields. no fresh air in the face makes ya sick.
  20. thats toooooo funny. pimpshack Pete. GOT GROUPIES?
  21. does it fit with paddles on?
  22. OGP

    NEED a sandfix!

    Didnt know you hucked Walt!!!! His old man driving scare ya?
  23. $20.00 to ride at Dumont doesnt seem unreasonable to me.
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