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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Help California keep there OHV Trust Fund! Help California keep THEIR OHV Trust Fund!
  2. I should try that. I have enough belly for sufficient landing gear!
  3. Would you try this! Click here if you dare!
  4. I have a Rampage 326 toyhauler. After some warnings I checked my frame and found out it was cracked. I took the trailer back to Skyline and they have repaired the frame but here is the kicker. When the trailer was purchased the empty dry weight on the trailer was 9040lbs. Now after repairs the trailer weighs 9750lbs. That is a 710lbs difference that comes off of the already limited cargo capacity. Skyline so far has been good with fixing the problems. I am now waiting to see what the fix for this problem is going to be. Hopefully it is easy as stonger frame equals higher GVWR. I would strongly suggest that anyone that has a triple axle trailer check your frame for cracks just above the shackles where the leaf springs mount. This would also include fifth wheel trailers. Good Luck
  5. Just stay away from C&G Motorsports aka Gary's Automotive. Outfront is the very best. You can buy a 2.0 Subaru complete motor for $450 dollars from www.nippon-motors.com
  6. You will spend about the same amount of money on a nice busa rail as any other.
  7. If those were my only choices it would be the Suzuki hands down. Of the three in my opinion the Suzuki is the better all around quad. I myself had a Banshee and loved it but there is more maintenance to a two stroke vehicle. Without knowing what you are using the quad for or ridng experience or mechanical skills or finances I would say Suzuki.
  8. How old are you? You sound like a kid. Long Travel buggies are very expensive. Getting the car is just the beginning. Actually that is the least expensive part when all is said and done. Just maintenance,repairs and fuel are expenses to be dealt with. Here's something for you to do. Pick up a Sand Sports magazine and make a list of everything you need to put a buggy together and then you can get most of the costs of everything out of the magazine.You are looking at a minimum of atleast 10 grand for just the motor and transmission. You will be suprised how much more cost effective it is to have a buggy built or even better yet buy a used car. There are alot of really nice used buggies out there at extremely good price.
  9. This is absolutely correct. If you take a lightweight sand car out playing in the desert you stand a good chance of breaking it. The terrains are so much different. Desert in general is rougher where the best sand is like sliding on glass.
  10. Horsepower and gearing and rider ability is what it takes to be faster.
  11. Nobody is going to work for free. You expect to get paid when you go to work and anybody doing fabrication work is going to also. The only way someone is not going to charge for labor is for you to do it yourself. If you have never done it expect it to be expensive. About the least expensive way to do it is build a baja. You can start with a stock bug and then upgrade as you get the money. Just remember you can take a desert car in the sand but you can't take a sand car in the desert.
  12. There was snow on the ground 'til yesterday afternoon.
  13. I'd like to take some of these CBD a$$holes for a ride in the back of my truck. Hooked to my trailer hitch by a rope around their neck!
  14. These pictures were taken at 4:30pm on 12/17/2008.
  15. Try www.a-arm.com for front suspension
  16. How's this for a cool upgrade for a beam car? www.a-arm.com
  17. I have a Skyline Rampage 326 that I really like.
  18. Check your frame above the leaf spring mounts for cracks!
  19. Don't worry about it becase if you vote for Obama you are really voting for Joe Biden. I don't think Obama will make it past being sworn in before he gets lead poisoning if he is elected. A couple of rednecks were going to show Obama the way home at the Democratic convention until the dumba$$es got pulled iver for drunk driving. " Damnit Bubba! Take your hood off so you can see to get a better shot!"
  20. I'm going to be a serial killer. They just look like evyone else!
  21. Julio Rodriguez won"t like you bagging on his truck.
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