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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. is who got me started on Captain Morgan and Coke! HELL YEAH!!
  2. That will be bad a$$! The only way it would look better is if it was on my truck! :beer_bang:
  3. Use to have a real truck. :beer_bang: DODGE TRUCKS KICK a$$!
  4. Outside riding the Harley! Las Casuelas Carnitas or homemade Tacos?
  5. Is not really an A-Hole! SHHHHHHH don't tell anyone!!
  6. Pizzazz is the way to go! Cruiser or Crotch Rocket?
  7. That is an extremely good video. It is definitely worth watching. It is so sad to see where America is going thanks to the moral decay of it's ignorant general population.
  8. There are quite a few funny pictures made by Universal Studios. One of my favorite comedies is Porky's
  9. My son Daniel went and had a blast. Free tickets are always cool!
  10. I really wish I could make it. We WILL be there next year!
  11. She is an excellemt dog and is definitely a lover. She would make someone a great pet.
  12. Even though my season got cut short I had a great time as usual. There were some major changes in my life for the better and next season will be even better. Seeing my family ( and you know who you are) is always the best part of being in the dunes. I made some new friends and had some great rides. I'm looking forward to next season and MAYBE getting over to Vegas a couple times this summer. It was a season I will always remember!
  13. My heat works fine but I don't have a girl anymore.
  14. Due to circumstances beyond my control I will not be able to make it out next weekend.
  15. At one time the temperature of the world was much warmer than it is now. Then you know what happened? Get ready for this. You might be suprised. Here it is. IT COOLED OFF and went into an ice age. Then SUPRISE it warmed up again. Global warming is a natural cycle of the world since time began. When it stops warming then it's time to worry because that means we are going back into an ice age. That would be kinda cool though. that would mean duning year round and the cold would kill off the damn lizards so the greenies wouldn't have anything to whine about anymore.
  16. UUUUUUUUUUUHHH NO! Not really. They are goggles that protect your face. I got mine first and really liked it. She used mine and I didn't get it back so we got her one of her own. It wasn't the one she really wanted but it's close enough. If anyone asks me I would definitely recommend it.
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