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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. This is our setup except for Jodi's quad. Home away from home.
  2. Could I do that job? HELL NO!
  3. Hippie no. He sounds like one of those CBD eco-terrorist greenie money grubbing hypocrites. If it sounds like a greenie and looks like a greenie it probably is a greenie. These greenie pieces of garbage are REALLY good about using only part of the truth to get what they want. They spout BS propaganda to get people that don't have a clue what the real situation is to be on their side. So many people are willing to jump on the save the enviroment band wagon without having all the facts. These eco-terrorist NEVER give all the facts. They don't care about what they are fighting for as much as the money they get paid. I wish that all those people would just mind their own buisness or better yet just eat a bullet and end their obviously miserable exsistance.
  4. Next time you see me I'll give you a ride. Not a problem.
  5. This site is for people that enjoy going to Dumont for off roading purposes. It is not a place for back-stabbing, two faced eco-terrorist to be spouting their BS propaganda. Maybe when you come out to Dumont you could introduce yourself to me so we could have a constructive debate on the situation.
  6. Queen is going to be there right?
  7. What if we quit worrying about thing we can't change and try to keep other things from changing. Forget about Kelso. Look at the pictures and appreciate it's beauty. Let's concentrate on preventing more dune areas from being closed ESPECIALLY DUMONT!
  8. Just got tickets for Sat HELL YEAH!!! Guess who I am draggin with me!!
  9. That is cool! :freakin_nuts:
  10. Did anyone hear about the ID cards they are trying make people get to fly on planes. It's a national identification card.
  11. Unfortunately this is the next weekend we will be able to go out again. We will be celebrating mine and OGP's birthdays. I can't think of a better way to celebrate.
  12. The car still looks like a stink bug that's been stepped on.
  13. What about "I should be able to send more money next time because I will be getting more work. My girlfriend said she is going to give me a blow job." :porn:
  15. I wasn't talking about you Bob. I was talking about the car the other guy wants to buy.
  16. Did anyone see me on my quad roosting this dumbass going up comp in a truck?
  17. This was the best New years ever. I got to spend the outgoing year and the incoming year with my extended family. It's always good times. 1st times are always fun too making someone SCREAM! I also found out that I can lead a pretty fast run and Richie's car really can turn. Leading SUCKS! 2008 should be the best year ever. HAPPY NEW YEAR DDR!
  18. A race through the dunes? I'll put someones car cam in my car and bring up the rear and take some video. My car is too slow to race.
  19. I have first hand experience dealing with Xtreme and he did lie his a$$ off to Tim. He won't pay.
  20. I can't believe a DDR STAFF MEMBER AND MODERATOR can be allowed to personally attack some one and nothing be done. I've been quiet lately and just observing but this is wrong and something needed to be said.
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