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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I think Hella Paul could do that!
  2. That sucks but is it going to be fixed in time for New Years?
  3. I have been so quiet lately because all of the new idiots that come on here and speak about something which they know very little about. The fact that someone would make a comment like: I dont have to go to a meeting to prove I know what im talking about. I have all the info i need on the net and its much closer then BARSTOW. Shows that they don't have a clue what they are talking about. I have not met quite a few of the people on this site but I also have some great friends that I consider to be an adoptive family from this site. I'm not attacking anyones views but here are some facts. Dumont is in California. Not Nevada. California.Different tax structure. Different political agendas. Good, bad or indifferent that's how it is. Dumont is run by the BLM. Like it or not. The fees that are collected are needed to keep the BLM's presence there. No BLM No Dumont. Whining and bitching do not solve any problems so if the fees are to high or you just don't want to pay then go somewhere else and leave Dumont to the people that want to be there. There are laws we all have to follow so things like the use of spark arrestors and not so loud pipes and speed limits and such have to be followed. Like it or not that is how it is. Okay I'm done for now.
  4. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM NO! It's not really Xmas until you get totally drunk on egg nog and puke on the neighbors car.
  5. BAH HUMBUG! All I want for Xmas is some new injectors and a new fuel filter and my 2 front teeth.
  6. I think this year I will start some new traditions with my new girl. Love ya baby! It's not Christmas until I see "A Christmas Carol" and "Miracle on 34th Street"
  7. We are planning on going if all goes well!
  8. I still have a fingerprint bruise on my arm!
  9. This is the first time I haven't been at Dumont for Thanksgiving in..................... Hell I can't remember. I am going to Universal Studios on Friday. That will be a whole lot of fun.
  10. I replaced mine but I'm going to send the ones I have now out to be cleaned and flow tested. It's cheaper than buying new injectors.
  11. I'm having the same problem with my car. It happened once before and it was because the injectors were plugged up.
  12. I'm going to have to pass on T-Day this year. I hope everybody has a great time. And please be safe!
  13. I didn't use any race fuel. I got to get drunk every night. I got to see my brothers. Tres Hermanos Rock I got to see my dune family. I made it home in one piece. IT WAS A GOOD WEEKEND.
  14. 1) Holiday Weekend................Over it! 2) Meet and greets are kinda cool. 3) Captain Morgan must be a cause he kick a$$. 4) If the wnd doesn't blow it sucks. Car broken AGAIN but I still had a great time. It was good to see everyone again. Charlie and Jill you guys rock!
  15. I like it. There is a hot chick that lives there.
  16. I think that place is going to be packed. Probably more than the weekend before Halloween. Crazy people everywhere. That's why I'm going the weekend before Halloween. :beer_bang:
  17. That's not nice to do to a fat guy
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