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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. You will have to carry a book with you FOR----REV----VER!
  2. I sure wish I could be there with you guys but I had to take my trailer to Hemet for repairs and when I was coming home I got some bugs splattered on the front of the trailer. Then to top it off the tires got dirty. I had to go through a puddle and got some mud on the undercarriage and I don't know what to do about that. My damn ice is too cold and my coffee is too warm. So I guess I'll just have to pass on not going out that weekend. There are a whole bunch of wild horses around here lately.
  3. Remember the days when you were a kid and you just did something REALLY bad. You knew you were going to get a serious a$$ whooping and would put a book down your backside to absorb the swats. Jodi you better remember to carry a book!
  4. Now that you mention it I think you are correct in it being a federal issue. Either way it's just more tree hugger
  5. I think you would look good in a pink car with light green pinstriping.
  6. It's going to be smiley face yellow!
  7. No No This law only affects manufacturers. It will cause some of the smaller builders to move out of state. You will probably start seeing alot of sandrails sold in California being sold without motors. It's a long drawn out procss but all the major manufacturers go through the same process.
  8. They did a good job on the crossing now let's hope they do a good job FINISHING the road.
  9. That's not what the law is. They have to use certian motors that have been approved. Custom bike builders have gone through that same thing. There are certain motor transmissiion combos that can be used. If you want to use some thing different you have to pay LOTS AND LOTS of money to get it approved.
  10. What is a racists? Is that someone who races cars or bikes or both? I want to know if I'm a racist.
  11. Come on Bob! You know she's hot!
  12. OJ doesn't own anything. It use to be his stuff before he whacked the monkey tamer.
  13. I'm looking forward to Halloween. I'm going to dress up as a gas pump with a short hose and 2 bells.
  15. That little chick was hot! I bet i could kick the shiat out of that guy. Well maybe not but that little chick was hot!
  16. My favorite rail was the Sand Snake rail with the Viper V10. Bad A$$!
  17. 140 in/lbs is not quite 12 ft/lbs. 12 ft/lbs is 144 in/lbs.
  19. I agree with Chef. You guys are mean. I'm going to take my ball and go home. You all have hurt my last feeling and you know how sensitive I can be. You guys shouldn't be picking on people that you don't know. Everybody make mistakes and they shouldn't be chastised for it. So all of you that were picking on anybody should be ashamed of yourselves for making people cry. NOT!
  20. My car is too heavy already. i can't imagine driving some of those dual sport cars. I also like my car being basic. i like feeling like I'm duning and not just driving my street car up and down hills.
  21. Nice! That trailer looks like it's 75 feet long
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