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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. That sounds like a good idea to me. :icon_twisted:
  2. I hope I didn't come off as a smarta$$ or sound like a jerk. That was not my intentions. I used to be like you. I alwas asked how in the hell can they get away with closing public land to the public. I've done ALOT of reading on the subject and I'm always amazed at what the eco-terrorists get away with.
  3. :icon_twisted: Bob, You keep bringing the subject of opening land back up and you have been told many times now why it's not aggressively being done. Here is my questions to you and somewhat of a challenge. 1) What areas have been closed that you would like to see reopened? 2) Why were those areas closed? 3) Under what authority were they closed? 4) What agreements were made when those areas were closed? 5) What would it take to get them reopened? See what you come up with. Are hope you are ready for what you find.
  4. Bottled water,Monsters and danishes for breakfast.
  5. If THEY #1 ( eco -terrorist ) would leave things alone then they wouldn't make any money. If THEY #2 ( BLM ) would leave things alone our riding areas would be rapidly closed. If THEY #3 ( out of bound riders ) would just stick to the dunes we wouldn't need a fence. The biggest word in all of those sentences is IF. It doesn't matter what you do they#1 are going to do everything they#1 can to close riding areas. They#2 are doing the best they#2 can to keep our areas open. They#2 are stuck between a rock and a hard spot and need our support with ideas and solutions instead of criticisms. They#3 need to be educated and stopped. If a polite request does not work then they#3 need to be severly beat until they#3 submit and completely understand the ramifications of their actions.
  6. They ought to have open season on illegals. You could buy tags like you do with deer tags. If they did that I'd would be a hunting enthusiast.
  7. Please take this into consideration when I say if I attack somebody it's really nothing personal so it really can't be considered a personal attack.
  8. If he would do something about fuel prices that would help more than anything. Also it won't make it any easier to get a loan.
  9. I don't think 60 post per day would be enough to replace the current holder of that title.
  10. I have a computer I can make my own CDs with now so you never know what the future might bring. P.S. No water socks. DDR T-shirt,shorts and UGs
  11. President Bush does not give a rats a$$ about the American people. He can't be re-elected. Here's to you George W. Bush!
  12. Alot of this downward spiral is caused by the oil companies that are still making record profits.
  13. Yes, it's that bad in California too. These idiots that keep building houses that they can't sell is driving real estate values into the dirt. Also it's not as easy to get loans anymore. We can only hope the dunes will be less crowded. Wouldn't that be nice?
  14. Sarcasm at it's finest. But seriously, rubber flexes and it won't hurt your paddles when towing in or on a trailer. I have heard it is recommended to put the car on jackstands or remove the paddles if the car is being stored for long periods.
  15. They are all fighting to get closures reopened but mostly they are fighting to keep what's open. It takes extreme amounts of money and because the way the laws are setup the eco-terrorists organizations get their expenses paid for by your tax dollars and when we have to fight the closures we have to pay for the rebuttal. Your tax dollars don't go to keeping places open. Again the people in office thatb were working to change the laws and try to fix the problem have been voted out. The eco-terrorist use propaganda and lies to further their cause to the general public that has no clue what we do. They see on the news a bunch of splibs riding dirtbikes through the streets of Baltimore and to them that is the off road community. It's not true but that is how it is. They see in motion pictures negative examples of off roading and project that on the whole community. People in general are stupid and believe what they are told in stead of saying " That doesn't seem right? Maybe I should check it out for myself?"
  16. The best way to haul your car with the paddles on is to put them on backwards and then when you get to your destination change them back to the right way but don't for get to turn them around before you put your car back in the trailer.
  17. Haven't you heard how badly it flattens out your paddles when you strap the car down. :porn:
  18. All the organizations ARE fighting back and they are doing it on a daily basis. Again, the only way to get these eco-terrorist to stop doing what they are doing is to get some federal laws changed. The one they use the most is the endangered species act and if that doesn't work they use the enviromental pollution card. There were a couple of congressmen and senators that were working on changing things but they are no longer in office. So basically what that means is what they were working on has been forgotten. These organizations need our support but mostly our money to keep fighting to keep our riding areas open. Without them and the many hours their volunteers put in to fight for the cause our riding areas would probably be closed. So :porn: a volunteer and a tree hugger.
  19. When ever someone asks a question in chinese all you have to do is throw some change in the air and repeat the sound for a proper response.
  20. You are absolutely CORRECT. Give that man a prize. The Democrats will be getting back into office and the tree hugging will be mandatory. GOD HELP US ALL! It's good to see I'm not the only one who understand the evil Eco-terrorist conspiracy. Joe for President! I have ulterior motives! Death to tree hugging land grabbers and then PARDON ME!
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