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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I don't know if I'll be there or not. The dog gets out of hand and I just don't feel like listening to him bark. He always wants to go in the buggy with me and sometimes I just want to go by myself. But if I go by myself he gets all pissed at me.The tires in the buggy need air and I don't have a pump. Gas is so expensive not to mention what it costs for food. I have to clean my gear and wash the sleeping bags. What a pain in the a$$ that is. Besides my truck is dirty and I don't have time to clean it.
  3. This must be the Martha Stewart thread.
  4. When the girls show their belly buttons!
  5. Go old school! Fill up a pan with gasoline and let thing soak.
  6. I'm suprised Funco would use that a-holes motors in their car.
  7. You had to bring that up?
  8. In my opinion trying to get closed areas reopened is a nice dream but we have enough problems keeping what we have open. Everyday the eco-terrorists are trying to completely close all are recreation areas. Since they can't get them all closed all at once they get parts of areas closed a little bit at a time until they are completely closed. Just remember and old saying: Most people worry about saving dollars. Rich people worry about saving pennies because pennies turn into dollars. Eco-terrorists take square feet which turns into square miles. All I'm saying is before we try to get stuff reopened let's concentrate on saving the stuff that is still open from getting anymore closed. Sorry for the rant.
  9. I know I don't have a Funco but can I get in on that too?
  11. I was watching TV and they have these braces for your teeth called INVISALIGN. I'm thinking we should sue them for using the name of some of our products. The Invisibuggy The Invisiboat The Invisibike The Invisiquad And now Invisalign braces for your teeth. What next Invisigirlfriend? Hell yeah she's hot!
  12. Here's another expensive sound BOOM!
  13. Did anybody see that buggy tearing up those quads on the hill? I think it was purple and he had a little dog riding in the passenger seat.
  14. That Place is going to be sooooooo crowded I am going have a problem finding a place to park. I hope someone saves me a spot.
  16. He'll be parked so when he's looking out of his windshield bathroom 10 will be right in front of him and he will be looking at bathroom 6 out of his passenger window.
  17. Hey! NO FAT JOKES! :worthless_without_pics: <----- She's HOT!
  18. I agree Steve. that's the point I was trying to make but I'm not that articulate. :worthless_without_pics:
  19. All those are from the book "Spots on the Wall" by Hoo Flung Poo
  20. I am straight up calling on this one. Tree huggers, Eco-terrorists and now ATV kNazis. What next? Buggy Busters? They can all kiss my :worthless_without_pics: and go get
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