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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I'm going to go out as many times as I can. When I go to use my credit card and the screen replies NO EFFIN WAY then I'll have to stay home. I'm good to go just let me know when.
  2. Congatulations Bert and Ashley! She is beautiful. You guys did good.
  3. HELL YEAH! That was my kick a$$ 110. It was the one my buddy was riding with no light. He wasn't wearing a helmet either.
  4. I don't know why you guys keep talking shitt. You all know my ATC110 3 wheeler is the fastest thing on the hill. I've never been beat!
  5. I have a good thought or two every now and again.
  6. I'm watching this movie and it sure looks like Dumont to me. It looks like the face dunes on the south side. Some of Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End was filmed at Dumont. From Sand of Oblivion news letter on 3-12-07 "Part of our film was shot in the Dumont Dunes, near Baker, California. We ended up staying in Pahrump, NV (cathouses and casinos), which is also the home of radio personality, Art Bell. Having just been talking about manifesting things in the universe (as is my want), I had mentioned that I'd love to meet Art Bell and despite the fact he lived in the town, the odds were astronimically against my just running into him. Of course, that's all the universe needed to hear and he came into the hotel restaurant the next day and I was able to chat for a few minutes. Nice guy and of course into all the weird, paranormal stuff I'm into. " Check it out!
  7. It would be nice to see a video with just the sounds of the engines as the music.
  8. There are STILL a lot of hippies in Berzerkeley. Damn tree hugging hippy eco-terrorists. Berkeley and San Francisco
  9. They lost a relay station up here
  10. Saturn is still around and doing well. I had 1 Saturn in the past and was so happy with it that I now have 2 more. I have a 2000 LS2 with 138,000 miles that runs as good today that it did the day I bought it. My wife drives a 2005 VUE that is great. We've had all the maintenance done at the dealership until the warranty was up. The Vue is still under warranty. The people at the dealership in Cathedral City are great and treat their customers very well. When it is time to get a new car Saturn will be the first dealer I will go to. In my opinion if you are looking for a great transportation car and you don't look at Saturn then you're making a mistake.
  11. I understand but the fact is if you keep giving up your rights pretty soon you will have no more rights to give up. This is great technology if used properly but the fact is that it can and WILL be misused. Law enforcement is a tough job but there are more and more abuses of force reported everyday by over zealous LEOs. The LEOs are scared out there and I don't blame them. They keep having to arrest the same criminals over and over because the courts won't do their job.
  12. Has anyone ever heard of privacy? My rights as a born AMERICAN citizen are rapidly being taken away every day by the people that are sworn in to protect those rights.
  13. This is one of the scariest programs I've seen in a long time.
  14. Rollin' dice and drinkin' 40s with the homies. Bad combination! He wasn't in a wheelchair in th commercial. Things that make you go HMMMMMMMMMM?
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