I'm watching this movie and it sure looks like Dumont to me. It looks like the face dunes on the south side.
Some of Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End was filmed at Dumont.
From Sand of Oblivion news letter on 3-12-07
"Part of our film was shot in the Dumont Dunes, near Baker, California. We ended up staying in Pahrump, NV (cathouses and casinos), which is also the home of radio personality, Art Bell. Having just been talking about manifesting things in the universe (as is my want), I had mentioned that I'd love to meet Art Bell and despite the fact he lived in the town, the odds were astronimically against my just running into him. Of course, that's all the universe needed to hear and he came into the hotel restaurant the next day and I was able to chat for a few minutes. Nice guy and of course into all the weird, paranormal stuff I'm into. "
Check it out!