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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. That is a really nice boat. What kind of boat is it? Fat floats very well Thank You. Hey no fat jokes! :shoot_head:
  2. That make me think of a song by the Bloodhound Gang called She ain't got no legs :shoot_head: I get it! 2 feet long! Now that's funny!
  3. DAMN! What did my grumpy old a$$ say this time? Oh! I get it. You're calling Tim grumpy. That's funny! The new commander on the base is General Chat. :shoot_head: :mic:
  4. Remember when I made this statement earlier. Choose your side wisely.
  5. Same thing I do every other day. life ----> <---- Me
  6. Looks like there's going to be no winners in that dog fight. GOOD LUCK!
  7. CHECK IT OUT! He got the invisiboat painted! NICE! looks like it will be alot of fun. Nice Boat.
  8. So what your saying is my picture is still he best one? Here's another pict in case you missed the first one. Nice huh?
  9. I was going to say something too but I didn't want to get in trouble for personally attacking a thread. I'm leaving this alone because people have a tendancy to get bitchy when they reach 30. After 40 you just get down right mean. Happy birthday old guy. Pretty soon you will be as old as me just not as fat.
  10. Can I apply for the job? I work hard. I don't discrimnate based on age. Satisfaction guaranteed or you get a full refund. (notice I didn't say whose satisfaction) I work for less than border jumper wages. 25 cents per job is my usual fee. ( two bits) Unusual jobs must be negotiated.
  12. Well Rebacca if you were just a little bit more careful things like that wouldn't happen to nice people such as yourself. :porn: :bs:
  13. Here's a pict of Rhino King's new boat What do you think? I heard it's real fast? It's so fast it can't be seen!
  14. Ads on DDR are no longer free. A regular ad is 1 dollar and premium ads are 2 dollars unless you have a yearly membership. Yearly membership is 5 dollars a month or 50 dollars a year. Send cash check or money order to me and I will make sure it gets to the right funds. Don29palms 1313 Mockingbird Lane Middleof, Bumphuck Egypt 69812
  15. I would say a Saturday night in early August!
  16. That e-mail is complete :worthless_without_pics:
  17. Isn't that the KITTY KAT KLUB! That's why she only charged me two bits.
  18. You can go to the guy that makes my shirts. He's right there on the strip. His name is Omar. He also makes tents. HEY! NO FAT JOKES!
  19. There's only one thing I hate about people and that's EVERYTHING!
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