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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Put some paddles on that biatch and let's rock! Nice looking car. You must be happy.
  2. SAT IT ISN'T SO? NOT YELLOW! It will look like this: Or this:
  3. I should fire up my old truck and go with you guys sometime. I sometimes miss just going four wheeling.
  4. Just remember that you can't choose your relatives. :wedgie:
  5. How I spent my summer vacation. The 1st day of my summer vacation I woke up. I went downtown to look for a job. Then I hung out in front of the drug store. The 2nd day of my summer vacation I woke up. I went downtown to look for a job. Then I hung out in front of the drug store. The 3rd day of my summer vacation I woke up. I went downtown to look for a job. Then I hung out in front of the drug store. The 4th day of my summer vacation I woke up. I went downtown to look for a job. I found a job keeping people from hanging out in front of the drug store. :wedgie:
  6. You are correct and I agree with you. The biggest problem is that ordinary people believe what they see but don't understand what is really happening. The eco-terrorist show vehicles racing through the desert and tell everybody that they are killing everything in their path. We all know this is not the case but most people just want to follow without having all the info. Then when you get celebrities jumping on the band wagon, because it is the politically correct thing to do, the public thinks it must be right, again not understanding what's really happening. When the tree hugging Democrats get voted into office, and they will because people are stupid, we will be in a world of hurt. There will be more closures that will hurt.
  7. You still go to Dumont? When? :wedgie:
  8. I've been getting the buggy and the trailer ready to got to Dumont Thursday. I'm drinking ALOT of water so I won't get dehydrated and get skinny again.
  9. REMEMBER THE GOOD OLD DAYS! :wedgie: I can submit this one.
  11. Yes I am and if noone likes it they can kiss my :gayboy: Now back to the show folks! I'm am looking forward to taking the buggy to Dumont to test out the new turbo at sea level. Hopefully I can say "WOW! Did you see that wheelie?"
  12. DAMN! Can you say OUCH Mutha Bitchezzzz?
  13. That's okay. I've been found out. I'll just go ahead and say it. I AM A LESBIAN JUST LIKE DANIELLE!
  14. Off-road recreation is one of the fastest growing sports and industries in the United States with 75-80% of that being on the west coast. Basically there are more people riding everyday. The problem with that is there is more and more land being taken away by the eco-terrorist everyday too. That's why any place you can legally ride has become over crowded. Which in turn causes more problems which gives the eco-terrorist more ammo to close more places. Unless an effort is made to unite the off-road community, our sport and hobby will be taken away from us by not letting us have access to land that rightfully belongs to the people. Some of the bigger corporations also need to get involved with this but they are afraid to offend the eco-terrorist faction. I know this sounds like a rant but check into it. That's why we must appreciate and support the people that our tring to keep ANY off-road area open. I have much much more but I'll leave it at that.
  15. I was just born this way but thanks!
  16. Here in 29 stumps SWAMP COOLERS ROCK! I run my swamp cooler 24/7 on low cool or it gets too cold in the house. Electricity bill is never more than $75.
  17. I didn't know if you were going or not. Are you bringing your buggy? I did not mean to leave anyone out. I was just kinda starting a list for people to sign on. Don't pick on me. I'm and
  18. ROLL CALL dunefreak Sincity_blondie Don29palms OGP
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