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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Call Larry at V&L Powdercoating in Apple Valley. That is the only place I would let do any powdercoating for me.
  2. The fees are to high. The fees are illegal. I should get a free pass. You are killing the lizards and bugs. You shouldn't be able to camp near the dunes. There have been some good suggestions made about educating EVERYBODY that enters Dumont. What do we need to do to get some of that put into place? Some signs would be great. Also some training for the LEOs there on how to interact with the people instead of being a$$holes. We need more good and executable ideas and not and and OKAY I'm done.
  3. That looks like a Buggy works chassis. Nice looking car.
  4. Don McLean sings American pie. :ahhhhh: How about "The lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying" by The Bloodhound Gang "You never call me by my name" by David Alan Coe Anything from Stevie Ray Vaughn
  5. You can get 111 at the Rebel distributor on Sahara right off the 15. Up to 54 gallons for $5.909 per gallon. 55 gallons and more it's $5.209 per gallon.
  6. You guys should go on Friday instead so I can go.
  7. Do I still need to wipe my butt after I poop? Okay that works.
  8. Whose buggy was that? That car is bada$$! TURBOS ROCK! What a fun trip! Anytime I get to spend time with good friends ( old and new) and go duning is great. Life is good sometimes.
  9. Look kid I can't say what I should say because I will be suspended again for being abusive to a minor but you really shouldn't make stupid comments about something you know nothing about. In others words to put it nicely Please be quiet. It's better for people to wonder if you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  10. You shouldn't make comments about something you know NOTHING about.
  11. If that front end in the picture is the right front suspension to fit that rail, You have some work to do. A ball joint front end has different spacing between the torsion tubes than a king pin front end. Have fun with the build and keep posting pictures of your progress.
  12. Here we go again. Can I ask a question? Do You have the 20k to get a rail now?
  13. Clean the trailer. Clean the buggy. Clean the truck. Clean the gear.
  14. You must not have been looking very hard because they were there.
  15. I know right where that fuggin' spot is. :shoot_head:
  16. That's what I do except I have Oakley goggles that fit over my sunglasses.
  17. PM brandon@balisticmotors.com He's putting one in his new car.
  18. You are going to use a different transmission aren't you?
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