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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I'm going on Saturday and then going to the Speedway races there Saturday night.
  2. If Havasu is too hot on my birthday( begining of February)................ Hell I'm just gonna go to Dumont anyway!
  3. WTF? Why are you guys clowning on him? Maybe he just needs a date? Here I'll help him out. (702) 565-3427 Ask for Rosy Palms Or (702) 565-1136 Ask for Palmela. She has five daughters.
  5. Another thing you can do is mix some broke up Alka Seltzer in with DRY bird food. Alka Seltzer will mess a bird up.
  6. Hell I would of gave him the thumbs up and then showed him that he was number 1 in my book.
  7. I have never laughed so hard in my life. The press and splode cartoons are off the hook. www.joecartoon.com
  8. Are these cars nice? What do you think?
  9. It's looking real good and it's coming together fast.
  10. No more holidays at Dumont for me! There are too many idiots that have figured out about Dumont soooooo I'll go the weekend before and the weekend after a holiday.
  11. You guys didn't get the sarcasm in my reply. That's why I put WTF which stand for WHAT THE F--K. Get it.
  12. DAMN! That is sooo wrong. Poor puppy. P.S. You know they can develop a complex when you laugh at them.
  14. The world is already over populated. The problem is you can't cure stupid. There are sooooooo many people out there that shouldn't be having sex because it might end up in pregnancy and they can't even take care of their ownselves without a kid. If responsible adults want to have kids that's great. When I talk about most of the welfare trash out there, I haven't met anybody from this board that falls in that category. It's too expensive to play in the sand and be accepting government cheese.
  15. "Come on now boy squeal like a pig. Come on squeal like a pig!" "My you sure have a pertty mouth!" ZIP
  16. I remember when I was a kid. Summer was the best time of the year. Now that I'm an adult (notice I didn't say grown out I mean grown up) I don't like the summer time.
  17. That's a nice looking truck.I love my truck. I have the same truck except mine is a 2001 Sport model. The only thing that sucks is the crappy gas mileage.
  18. Gun control is hitting the target you're shooting at.
  19. "For people that want the experience of riding a motorcycle without the danger." Translate as: "Here's a bike for pussies!"
  20. I would beg to differ with you. It is not a Dumont Parking pass you are paying for. It is a SPECIAL RECREATION FEE AREA PASS. That's means you pay fees to access "your land". If I have to pay to use public lands then everybody should have to pay to use public lands. When you single out a group and apply different rules that is called DISCRIMINATION. I'm not starting an arguement I'm just make a point on the extreme end. My point being that Dumont is special because it is used for OHMV Rec area. Well Kelso Dunes would be special because it is an area used for hiking As is all these other places that the Eco-Terrorist have managed to shut down. It's not really funny because they are trying to get all these places shut down and then almost nobody would ever use them ever again. How many people would go out to Dumont to just go hiking?
  21. They don't like to be called dwarf cars. That is very offensive. The politically corect term is LITTLE RACE CARS or SIZE CHALLENGED RACE CARS. I don't want to hear any more of this dwarf crap.
  22. Don't have kids! Enjoy life and let the other people do it. There are enough welfare mothers out there that need a raise so they keep having more kids for us to support. If you need a kid fix become a member of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America. Or better yet become a foster parent.
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