I want a discount too. I think I deserve one because I am such a good American. I deserve a hand out of some sort also. If I don't get one I'm going to rant and rave and b*tch and complain and argue.
I agree too. If we have to pay to use public land then they should pay also. BLM can call it a SPECIAL USE PERMIT or maybe a DESIGNATED LAND USE PERMIT or whatever.
Man, Am I ever serious about anything?
You know when I'm serious because I'm usually telling someone to shut --- ---- up.
Don't want to be suspended again.
The camp hosts should be paid or atleast funded enough to not have to use their own money. Don and Ellen do a great job with almost no recognition. Here's to them.
I'm having my car powdercoated with a special light refracting coating and then I'm going to use plexiglass panels instead of aluminum. It will be the official INVISIRAIL.
That little 3 seater in the classified section is nice. I think it's going to be hard to find a 4 seater with busa power. I've seen pictures but I've only personally seen one car like that.