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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I should take some videos of the sand storms that happen here and prove these idiots wrong. Sometimes it gets so bad you can't see 10 feet in front of you.
  2. OUCH! Well look at it this way. If you were going to break something atleast you didn't do it at the beginning of the season. GET WELL SOON! :angry2:
  3. Where's all the hot chicks? Call 1-800-COOL-DAN
  4. He could have been dumping the fresh water tanks to lighten the load. I know on my trailer when I'm dumping my freshwater tanks it can look like it's dumping the waste tanks.
  5. THERE WILL BE NO A$$ KISSING OR APOLOGIZING WHAT SO EVER FOR JOKES POSTED ON THIS WEBSITE! YOU GOT THAT MISSY? AND NO FAT JOKES PERIOD! DISCLAIMER (This can in no way be construde as an attack of any sort. This is meant only in jest. )
  6. I would go FUNCO. I have a Desert Dynamics car. My invisirail is a Funco. Trick Racing does make some very nice cars. If my only choices were Trick or Monster, I would go with Trick.
  7. Terry, Keep me posted and maybe I can meet you out there.
  8. The weekend of May 5th is Boy's Trip at Dumont. It's only every 5th year at Dumont and the other 4 years it's at Glamis. Again, This year it is at Dumont the weekend of May 5th
  9. That's something I don't worry about. Women hate me at first site. I sometimes wonder why because I am sooooo hot. Hell Players ask me for advice.
  10. I think the ability to become invisible would be one of the best. I could be INVISOMAN. I would have the invisotruck to pull my invisotoyhauler. Then in the toy hauler I would have all my invisotoys like the invisorail and the invisorhino and the invisoquad and last but not least the invisobike. <----- He's saying MUTHA BITCHEZZZZ
  11. :monkeedance2: Poke my eyes out with a red hot poker!
  12. UUUUUUUHHH okay. Capes are good.
  13. That's a great idea but then the Rangers would actually have to do something other than just harrass people.
  14. Terry, I'm not saying you aren't doing a good job because you are doing a great job and we all are grateful. People in my opinion are upset at the government. It seems that every time we turn around they are taking more and more land away from the riders and charging more to use what is left open. Some of us are members of FoDD and still have these thoughts. Many letters have been written to senators and congressmen voicing our disgust. The govenor has heard from the off-road community many times. All these efforts seem to fall on deaf ears. The green sticker program in California has become a huge joke. It has become a way for the greenies to buy up more land and close it. The government seems to be more afraid of the eco-terrorist groups. Please keep up the good work you and the others are doing.
  15. If you were a superhero who would you be and why?
  16. If I had to bet money I'd say the fees are probably going to go up at Glamis also. I agree that the holiday surcharge is
  17. The fees doubled? Does the crap the CBD and other eco-terrorist organizations are doing play into that also?
  18. AMEN! You proposed to Tiffany? When's the wedding? J/K
  19. The fees doubled? Does the crap the CBD and other eco-terrorist organizations are doing play into that also?
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