1) Henderson is a long way from home!
2) Pete and Anna's parties are worth the trip.
4) Old ladies in Havasu are funny! (So is Tom Cruise Ah ha ha Ah ha ha)
5) Pete's hallway gets narrow at 2:30am. (Walls gotta hurt)
6) Cole is an excellent designated driver.
I wish I lived closer so I could make it to the party. I was going to come over and suprise everybody but something came up and I have to stay here. Have a safe and wonderful Christmas.
That would be the completely WRONG car for a first car. The mini rails are unique and have some definite advantages and disadvantages. The people that have mini rails love them but I wouldn't recommend one for a first car. If you want to stay with $25K a V8 car is out. VW's anymore are just as expensive as a Honda or a Subaru. Take your time and shop around. My advice would be to ask as many people as you can for a ride a see what you like best. :jester:
Well it sounds like everybody had a good time! Noone got hurt and everybody made it home in one piece. Sorry to here about the machinery failures but anything man made can and will break. I wish I could have been there but I have to pay for my transmission repairs. I'll be seeing everybody soon.
I have an Acura motor in my sandrail but I drive a gas guzzling 4X4 Dodge truck with a V10 to counter act the Honda Effect. :freakin_nuts:
Like Randog mentioned earlier the motors that are used in these sandrails come from a salvage yard. I don't know of anybody going into a Honda dealership and buying a new crate motor for their sandrail.
I'll even be a nice guy and not get on my soap box about the eco-terrorist and their crap.