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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Somebody's always gotta be an idiot!
  2. I picked my trailer up yesterday and the repairs were completed when they said they would be. Everything seems OKAY for now. Again I was suprised. done on time and they were still very polite. I didn't have any attitude when I picked it up. Now if I can just get my transmission for my buggy back I'll be ready to roll again.
  3. It's kinda strange. Two days ago I just put brand new batteries in my cheap a$$ plastic flashlight at work. I was working on a vehicle and dropped it in the bilge which was full of a mixture of oil and water and diesel fuel and hydraulic oil and coolant and probably a bunch of other stuff we don't want to talk about. I was able to spot my flashlight and fish it out. It took about a 1/2 hour to get it cleaned up and working again. By this time I was in a real bad mood. I completed my job and moved on to the next vehicle. I almost lose my stupid flashlight again but was able to catch it in time. I go on to the next vehicle and while I was getting into it, WHAM! there goes my damn flashlight down into the f#ckin bilge. Now I'm REALLY mad because this time it must have went into the twilight zone. I can't find the damn thing. As the day goes by I calm down and finally I'm over it. Here it is two days later and I'm working on a different vehicle. I remove some deck plates so I can get at some hydraulic valves that need to be repaired and what do I find? Some young jarhead had to be a whole lot more madder than I was because he lost a real nice camo mini Maglight. His loss is my gain. :dance: I got me a nicer flashlight again. I just figure the moral of all this is: The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away!
  4. I drink Monster or Rockstar or Sobe and go riding all the time with no problem at all.
  5. I am 21563. Feinstein and Boxer are both a pair of B!!!!!!. :dance:
  6. My car tops out at 18 mph if I get a good run. If I make a dead start I can get it up to 17 mph. Anything faster than that kinda scares me. No really all kidding aside I can do 20 mph.
  7. Sooooooooooooo Rhino King, When you taking delivery of the new car?
  8. The pay as you use sounds like a good idea but any kind of dumpsters will cause serious problems.
  9. Like Vicki mentioned earlier,dumpsters give the eco-terrorist anti-access people yet another reasons to push for closure. If we start pushing Dumont in the same way Glamis is going we will most definitely end up with the problems Glamis has and dumpsters are a problem. We are already seeing more and more people at Dumont that don't even begin to have a clue about common courtesy and existing rules. :icon_twisted: WE DON'T NEED MORE PROBLEMS AT DUMONT AND DUMPSTERS CAUSE PROBLEMS!
  10. Hey Kenny, When are we going duning?
  11. Well, I had some issues with my new trailer and I took it back to the seller today. I went in with a bad attitude expecting to get some shiat from them. I got to the service garage and explained my problems. The service manager made some excuses but in the end is fixing the problems. I have to say he dealt very well with me being a total jerk. He did stay polite the whole time. I will pick my trailer up next week. Then I went in to deal with the sales manager. Again I had an attitude at first. Everything was worked out and again I have to say he stayed polite the whole time. I was shocked but pleasantly suprised. We'll see what happens next week when I pick up the trailer.
  12. A 3.5 is NOT the same as a 3.0. Yes the Nismo motors start out the same but are nowhere near the same when finished.
  13. ORIGINALPIMP's motor is a 3.5 nismo motor. That's a completely different motor. :north_pole:
  14. Did you say retarded? Dee De Dee :yeah_whatever:
  15. But can you get a Samurai in the back of a longbed truck? :yeah_whatever: I would really like to have a Rhino but I just can't afford one right now. Here's an idea! Someone let me borrow their Rhino and I'll roll it and get in on the class action lawsuit and when it settles I'll buy you and me a new one.
  16. I wish I could be out there with you guys December 1-3 but I have got to work some overtime to pay to repair my transmission. I would like to wish all who go a safe and fun trip. :yeah_whatever:
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