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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I had to make a couple of simple modifications to my trailer so my car would fit. I had to take the couches off the walls so I made some legs so now they are free standing. I also have to drive up on the fender wells so I made some ramps. everything turned out great!
  2. The car is too wide for what? :eatdrink021:
  3. That's a good point Pete. How about this for a new seatbelt slogan? Keep it tight!
  4. This thread looks an awful lot like a meat product. 1st post and all.
  5. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO! Sorry for the interuption. Please continue with your buisness as usual. This interuption was brought to you exclusively by the DDR Jester.
  6. No problem Pete. :eatdrink021: I'll run a blade over every one I can.
  7. Being a moderator takes way tooooooo much responsibility. I just prefer being part of the outer circle staff. The job of jester works well for me. Just NO FAT JOKES.
  8. Yeah! And he shouldn't have been duning after dark.
  9. I think that people shouldn't go riding after dark. Most of the more serious accidents I've ever seen or heard about happen at night. It is very unsafe to ride at night. There should be a law to stop people from riding in the dunes after sundown.
  10. This trailer is just like Tim's. Overall length is just about 40'. the box itself is actually 36'3". They call it a 37' trailer.
  11. Try Short Sandcars. They have singleseaters. Also try Desertkarts.com
  12. I say get the car but then you'll have to get a different toy hauler.
  13. They haven't paved it yet. It was okay on Halloween. Still quite dusty but in genaral okay.
  14. This trailer is HUGE. My truck pulls it amazingly well even up the hills. I am sooooo looking forward to not having to go 25mph uphill. Dumont is the only place I've been that is uphill both ways. This trailer definitely has enough cargo area for my buggy( 18'2" to the first cabinet)but I still will have to change the rear tires. I also have to take the couches off the walls because my car is so wide. I already have that worked out. This gives me another reason to look forward to going out to Dumont.
  15. I got my new trailer today. It's a 2006 Rampage 326. This thing is a huge 37'.
  16. Is that helmet D.O.T. approved?
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