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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. When I deep fry a turkey I use 3 minutes per pound.
  2. Don29palms

    HELP !

    Try this link http://www.blm.gov/az/
  3. Remember to thank all service men and women. Soldiers are only Army. I see these young people leaving everyday and I always put in a silent prayer for their safe return.
  4. If you use any kind of sugars in your rub they burn quickly.
  5. I have mixed feelings about this issue. I live in California so there's not really anything I can do about it. I am also a non-smoker. It's nice to be able to be inside a bar that is not all smoky. Most of the bars around here have made nice little outside patio areas for the smokers. On the other hand I would say that most of the people that frequent bars also smoke. It makes it hard on the bar owners to make everyone happy.
  6. I've always used peanut oil with no problems. That's just me though.
  7. I agree that some of these laws are stupid but they are there because some parents refuse to take responsibility for the actions of their children. Another thing that bothers me is alot of the laws that apply to OHVs sre made my people that don't have any idea what an OHV is.
  8. If I didn't believe it I wouldn't have said it.
  9. What kind of buggy do you have? If your buggy is so dangerous that you feel you have to wear a helmet maybe it's time to get a new buggy? I'm sure you can afford it. Like I also stated earlier the reason you have to wear a helmet on a bike or a quad is that bikes and quads don't have a roll cage around them and they don't have seatbelts. I'm sure you are one of those guys that wears a helmet in your car. DEE DEE DEE
  10. You'll have her thinking------Hmmmmmmmm. YNOT?
  11. I just figured it's been long enough so we can laugh about it now but I guess not.
  12. All I have to say is to Esquire Magazine. I sent them my portfolio and they told me that I was too rough looking and toooooooo FAT. Come on! I'm not that rough looking.
  13. This law has been around for a long time in a slightly different wording. It has never been enforced and probably never will be. If your kid gets caught doing something stupid then they will enforce it and guess what, the parents of the little moron will get hammered. If people teach their kids how to act properly and enforce such behavior there shouldn't be a problem.
  14. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm What should I bring? Let me think. uuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm I know! LET THEM EAT CAKE! crawlinxj------spaghetti salad and bbq dunefreak-----hawaiian rolls and corn on the cob, grill Don29palms-- Cake and -------------------- you know!
  15. In my opinion I would say save up some more money and get a long travel car.
  16. Those are all nice quads but I think if I was buying a quad for my wife that hasn't rode for quite awhile I would really think about the Kawasaki 700.
  17. Is this video still funny? Let me think UUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH YES!
  18. I strongly agree with this brilliant individual.
  19. When my motorhome did that it was the board in the electronic ignition that was bad.
  20. I'm glad you make so much money. I guess that's why you don't mind paying everybodies bills.
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