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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I used to have pictures of me and JOEDUNER at the South Pole in our rails. The pictures are now in limbo somewhere since my computer at home CRASHED.
  2. You have to have a non-resident sticker which can usually be purchased at one of the vendors on a big weekend and I believe the rangers have them at the ranger station. They are $20 each. A ticket will cost you alot more if you get caught. Consider the people around you also. If one person gets caught in camp without a sticker I'm sure they will check everyone in that camp. It's better to be legal than have to worry every time you see a ranger. If you get a ticket for not having a sticker it's your own fault and not the rangers fault. He's just doing his job. Every state is going to get their money one way or another.
  3. Hey Rich, You know me. We can go for a ride anytime. Just let me know.
  4. I bet that car is going to make some noise. Nice job though.
  5. Halloween Weekend will rapidly be upon us soooooooooooooo I figured I start the list. Who's gonna be there: :DDR_rocks!: TRES HERMANOS Dunefreak
  6. Make sure you ask for Blondie and she'll introduce you to everybody.
  7. I have only one observation I remember - (4) 44oz Screwdrivers will make you stoooooooopid. And good times were had by all!
  8. Any Ford dealership that won't honor the warranty should be reported to the main office of the Ford Motor company. They don't like hearing stuff like that. There is enough competition srlling trucks without dealers being A$$HOLES.
  9. If I had an EZ-Up I'd bring it but I don't even have an awning on my motorhome.
  10. I'm sure we can work something out. I'm sure we'll be doing alot of runs all weekend.
  11. I completely understand. <----------- This guy is so cool!
  13. I used the high temp blue syntehtic blend Valvoline stuff. The boots aren't completely full but the they aren't empty. If I have to, I can clean the boots out fairly easy.
  14. When all else fails, Read the instructions.
  15. That's what the instructions said to do.
  16. This one time I was watching Star Trek and there was this purple chick that was hot.
  17. That's great! It's good to hear good news for a change. Keep up the good work.
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