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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I don't think I'll be able to make it that weekend unless I can get a good deal on some gas. I also need to fix a mirror on my motorhome so I'm in the process of buffing up a piece of aluminum. Yeah Right! I haven't missed a Halloween in years.
  2. I was reading the new Sand sports magazine and came across an article about a tool for packing CV joints. This thing is GREAT! I made one and tried it out and wow what a difference. If you don't have access to the materials and tools to make one I would stongly suggest buying one. It would be worth every penny at twice the price. This tool is basically a flat, round plate with a grease fitting in the middle of it. It has three holes around the outer edge to bolt it to your CV joint.You then put the dry and clean CV joint on the axle and install the retaining clip. Bolt the plate to the CV and pump it up with grease untill the grease starts coming through the back side. This is where I found it easier and cleaner than the original instructions, I installed the CV joints and axle in the car and then took a grease needle and filled the CV boot. The process was very clean and simple. If you've ever done CV joints you know this is not usually the case. I won't do it ever again without this tool.
  3. I was just thinking it would be nice to have something that would protect some expensive graphics after you had them painted on.
  4. Can you put clear vinyl over paint as a protection barrier?
  5. Don't you just hate it when someone gets sand in their panties. :eatdrink021:
  6. I would say unless you really know the maket for something like that, let him take on the hassles of selling the motorhome and give you cash. If there is a market, he should have no problems selling it but there might be a reason he hasn't sold it already.
  7. I say if someone catches any of these A$$HOLES we have ourselves a good old fashion lynching.
  8. NOPE! I used my off road bible.........Sand Sports Magazine!
  9. I know . I just felt left out and was trying to fit in.
  10. UUuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO Unless your motor is built for it I wouldn't recommend it. Nitrous Oxide is very hard on bearings,rods,pistons and wrist pins. If your NOS isn't set up right it can make your motor go BOOM and it will make you They call it laughing gas because when your stuff blows up everybody else
  11. I usually go thru Baker but I'm in no hurry.
  12. We will be setting up camp somewhere in the area of bathroom 6.
  13. It's actually DZUS Fasteners. The spelling sheriff has spoken!
  14. Will he be at Dumont Presidents Day for the drags? Those cars are so cool.
  15. Any added chrome parts add horsepower too.
  16. Pretty much every other weekend!
  17. I do not buy CITGO gas either. Here's to Chavez
  18. My car has the grinder marks with the 2 stage candy powder over the top. That looks really great with candy red. Those panels look good with the natural finish also. It does look like a whole different car. Now with all that extra weight I might be able to keep up with you.
  19. I always thought neese was plural for noose? I mean geese is plural for goose so neese must be plural for noose.
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