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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. He said hit me up and I always take the oppurtunity to smack someone around. J/K
  2. I don't mean to sound like a smart a$$ but if you are going to work on your own bike the best thing I can say is spend the money and get a manual.
  3. Go to the classifieds in the ATV section. The guy that's got those haulers for sale. Those would be perfect for those 10" rims.
  4. When the next year models come out. In other words right now. There are alot of deals now. Dealers are teying to get rid of 2006 inventory.
  5. That paper is not a legal and binding contract soooooooooo let's hear about the night!
  7. Being in the zone on my bike on an empty highway at about 90mph when the temperature outside is around 80 degrees. Fast runs through the dunes with someone else leading. Hanging out with my second family on MOVIE NIGHT at Dumont. ( I'm smiling now as I type this stuff. )
  8. Hey Pete, When Anna gets out of line do you spank the monkie?
  9. If the plural of goose is geese,what is the plural of moose? Hmmmmmm :mc_smiley:
  10. Remember the good old days? :mc_smiley:
  11. That would be cool if it was like $20 for the first hand and $10 for extra hands. That way if you have kids riding in the car they can play too. Or if someone wanted to play more than one hand at a time.
  12. Run what you brung. Yeah it's just how you see it in the videos.
  13. That is tooooooooo cool. :mc_smiley:
  14. Sounds like fun. Just gives me another reason to go duning. Count me in. :mc_smiley:
  15. That's the Valero station. That's where I dump mine.
  16. Your absolutely right! When I VOLUNTEER to help and someone from the staff treats me badly well I have a tendancy to use my favorite phrase which is " F&CK YOU " I hate politics but if the people you are trying to help don't care then I say let them do all the work themselves and earn those bennies.
  17. That's happened to quite a few people here in this town. These welfare teenage splibs will steal a vehicle and thrash it then of course the parents can't pay for it and the law won't put these punks in jail. Your better off just shooting them and taking them out of their misery if you catch them.
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