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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I don't remember why I thought everybody needed to be reminded. I was a little tipsy. To tell the truth I was hammered but I kept my posting to a minimum.
  2. This one is a 660 but that is not the otd price. I'm going there today and I will check again.
  3. I think next time I'm in Vegas I'm gonna jack this dude gangland style. That will be about as funny as a one legged man in an a$$ kicking contest. :fart:
  4. You can get a brand new 2006 Yamaha Rhino SE at Chaparral for $8500.
  5. That's been a scam people have been using for years. If you're stupid enough to give some scumbag beggar money HE deserves it. If you really want to help the homeless make your donations to a reputable organization. Or even better yet let them pick up trash around the house or sweep the driveway or weed the garden or something to work for the money you give them. You had to work for your money. Why shouldn't they? Just remember "NOTHING IS FREE". :fart:
  6. Wow! Whose car is that? That's messed up!
  7. You guys are crazy. I'd be like this --->
  8. Anybody that would win that car and then just turn around and sell it should be commited to the nearest mental institition or just be taken out behind the barn and shot.
  9. We've been to Maui once and we are looking forward to going back sometime.
  10. I'll definitely keep an eye out and my ears open. I'd like to catch these MFers. I'll put the word out to my other friends here in town.
  11. If those Geckos are still good I would stay with them until they're worn out.
  12. Is that a european only bike? I've never even heard about that bike . It looks really cool. How fast is it? Is it a 2 stroke or 4 stroke?
  13. I have a 1987 Banshee for sale. It has many extras but the engine is basically stock.
  14. You can do anything with computer generated images.
  15. Nice looking bike. What the hell is it? Here's a pict of mine.
  16. That's NOT the same car as mine. That is the little car. That is the Buggy Works chassis that is built by Desert Dynamics.
  17. I'm thinking we should be camping at the normal spot. Maybe Pete can post up that map he had for the new people?
  18. I know I'm just a fair weather duner. I'm not hardcore like some MUTHA BITCHEZZ I know and you know who you are.
  19. Right on Pete. Good to go. Now what about the rest of the usual suspects? Or should I say unusual suspects.
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