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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Then my beer would not be in the cooler and it would be warm and we'd have a dead midget to bury in the sand. What if I was the skinny guy in the group?
  2. Some of us like a girl with a litle junk in her trunk.
  3. then I would have KORN....................................................in my POOP! What if pigs could fly?
  4. Then we would have to change it to the "Quad Brothers of Dumont." And yes we are really brothers. When you meet us you'll know. What if the weather was 75 degrees year round?
  5. Here's my killer dog, Cisco, and 2 desert lions, Shannon(m) and Sydney(f)
  6. Then the lesbian porn channel would really be cool.
  7. Work would be enjoyable to go to and you wouldn't mind going in early or staying late. What if everybody had to drive a DODGE?
  8. Here we go off topic again. I already posted once about the proper uses of THEIR, THERE and THEY'RE. Don't make me do it again. What if you could make everyday go the way you wanted it to? I would hit the lottery a couple of times and then go on a dune tour for life. What if we lived in a cartoon?
  9. I'm riding out with Tim to observe the happenings and partake of some ice cold alcoholic incoherency. I'm looking forward to seeing my DDR family. It's been too long.
  10. Don't feel bad Dunefreak I won't be able to bring my rail either.
  11. I don't care who you are, that's effin funny!
  12. How about extension cords? I have a long extension cord and a set of halogen lights I could bring.
  13. That's why I have a buggy. Went from a KX500 to a Banshee to a sandrail.
  14. Gotta get back on the horse that through you or the bike in this case. It's good to hear your okay.
  15. Exactly! Get that dry shot nitrous system. :chev_bowtie:
  16. Okay how about zoom then boom?
  17. Be careful.......VERY CAREFUL.......or else..........BOOM!
  18. Makes perfect sense to me. She is saying she is going to the drags. She wants to ride in the front passenger seat in Pete's truck. She needs a new helmet. And she understood my reference to the joke I made.
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