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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. That would be the transmission to have. ONLY IF? :headbang:
  2. All you guys are jerks and next time I see any of you I'm gonna slap you all around a little just to let you know I'm there. What do you think about that? J/K I just wanted to start a little drama to get us by 'til October. Winter can't get here soon enough.
  3. The has spoken. J/K :shocked2: Now get back on topic.
  4. Desert Dynamics (thats the car I have), Playtech Fabrication, RFR motorsports, Sandcars.net, Sandwinder, Tech 3 motorsports are just a few. I personally would go with any of these cars. I looked at them all when I decided on my car. They all have different features so check them out.
  5. There are quite a few companies that have rollers starting at around 9K.
  6. That is an updated version of the Fugitive chassis. If you like that style they're okay but for that kinda of money for a roller you can get alot nicer car for about another $2500. Just my opinion. I think you were looking at this site www.miltonsandtoys.com
  7. As Triumph the insult dog would say: " I have KORN................................. in my POOP!"
  8. I wouldn't doubt it. That trailer is insane. I only can dream about owning a trailer like that. When I get my money from the lottery people I'm going to have one built just like it except mine will have a mural of comp hill at night painted on the sides.
  9. Yeah, I bought it and I'm going to buy ISBB's truck to pull it with. I think the 1/4 ton should be just about right for the job.
  10. That trailer's been sold. Now I need a truck to pull it.
  11. Only one word to describe that car........................SWEET
  12. Next you'll have to put bars over the windows.
  13. Is everybody just taking bikes and quads or will there be any buggies there?
  14. Cool article but he didn't mention DDR. What's up with that?
  15. Congratulations on the new boss.
  16. If you are going to jail, make sure you put the bastards out of their misery. :freakin_nuts:
  17. I'm gonna put my buggy back together and get ready to go to Dumont in October
  18. Now that's some funny stuff right there :shocked2:
  19. Hopefully next year they will move it back to the Orange Show in San Bernardino. The track was twice as long and there was some better racing. Hopefully it will also be better organized so there won't be so much time in between races.
  20. The Sandcar Challenge sucked more than a black hole in outer space. What was good was there were some nice cars and Rhinos. The best part though was seeing some good friends and family again and meeting some new people. There was one good crash that was cool and nobody got injured.
  21. That white and black looks SWEET!
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