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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Don29palms


    I would recommend California people be very careful with this thread.
  2. :shocked2: Hey Joe Oh wait how 'bout this one
  3. It's the King of Cars. :shocked2: <---- That's the blue genie.
  4. They wanted me to drive for them but I just couldn't take the time off work. YEAH RIGHT!
  5. Why not? A great looking lady like yourself could definitely pull it off. Or how about a sexy nurses outfit while your pushing your husband around in the wheelchair? Maybe they would let you in the VIP area.
  6. How about some Bing Crosby,Perry Como Dean Martin or the chairman of the board Frank Sinatra. They all ROCK! And then you could throw in some Elvis Presley for good measure. Thank you, Thank you very much.
  7. That would be cool seeing a two wheeler with a paddle on the front and rear.
  8. The whole point being if there is 1.8 million plants that doesn't sound very endangered. If there were 1.8 million fringed toed lizards we be smashing like bugs. And there might just be 1.8 million lizards. How will anybody know? It's not like a lizard just stands there in the open. Dumont is not the only place this lizard lives. The way I look at it is if they aren't gone by now they are probably not going anywhere. Just one more point,extinction is a part of evoultion. If that wasn't the case the dinosaurs would still be here. One day humans will become extinct.
  9. Either one is a good choice. I prefer the Honda. It worked out best for me.
  10. I listen to one with prerecorded engine noise that way when I'm driving I can pretend I have a V8 car. :rainbow1:
  11. I don't mean to argue with you but again if these plants are growing all over the Imperial valley the people that do the studies of these plants should know. The people that are studying these plants for the duning community would NOT leave out that fact. Again, if you know other places this plant is growing it needs to be brought to someones attention. If this plant is growing throughout the Imperial valley it wouldn't be considered endangered and therefore the closures at Glamis could be reopened.
  12. That car will be every bit as fast as a LS1 if not faster and it will handle better. That is a real nice car.
  13. That guy also used to be a pro wrestler named Zeus. He was Hulk Hogan's rival for awhile.
  14. If you are finding these plants anywhere else other than Glamis you need to get ahold of somebody from FWS because they say the ONLY place these plants grow is in Glamis. It's also funny when they mention the 1.8 million plants, those are the plants in the dunes. Those don't include the plants in the areas that were closed in 1974. When the areas were closed in 1974 the rest of the area left was supposed to be for OHV use FOREVER. To me forever doesn't mean until some Eco-terrorists decide it should be closed because of some stupid weed.
  15. Here's to you people that are easily offended. :finger2:
  16. Aren't we getting a little off topic here.:mc_smiley: (note the extreme sarcasm)
  17. Don29palms


    Ride the street bike. Especially in the mountains where it's too cold in the winter.
  18. The rack mounts for a beam will put the rack in the center of the beam and it does move the rack back away from the beam.
  19. If you look in any Sand Sports or Hot VW mag at a Pacific Customs ad you can get a billet rack mount for a beam front end and a sand car light weight rack. They probably have everything else you need to do the job if you give them a call. You can also try Moore's. Both companies usually have good and friendly sales people to help you out.
  20. Thanks for pointing out that I'm a dumbass and not ANenglish teacher.
  21. What about when you call a company to get some information and they route you to an overseas server. Then some camel jockey gets on the phone thinking they're speaking english and you can't understand a word they are saying. Then they get mad when you ask to speak to someone else. Effin Abub da Bob. If these companies would stay in the USA instead of hiring these ball bag, dot head, carpet flyers we would be much better off.
  22. You all have a good time. I'll see you in October.
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