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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Oh my God. This thread is made just for me. Where should I begin? Their There They're has already been done so I don't need my microphone for that one. Okay I got one. How about when someone puts the toilet paper on the hanger so it comes out from the bottom instead of over the top. Man that just burns me up.
  2. I missed that jump. Can you do it again next time?
  3. Just a pet peeve of mine and I know it won't help but it made me feel less like .
  4. THERE is more of a direction as in "There it is." or "It's over there." or "We'll meet you there." THEIR is a possesive pronoun as in "Their sandrail" or "Their spelling" or "Their cooler full of beer." THEY'RE is a contraction of they are as in "They're out riding." or "They're drunk." or "They're stupid" I hope this might clear up a small bit of confusion.
  5. I guess I'm OLD. I have no idea who these guys are.
  6. Hey Pete,do you get Deja Vu looking at JJ's trailer?
  7. That is soooooo wrong on sooooooo many levels.
  8. WTF is Myspace. I know my space has to be pretty big. Oh wait a minute NO FAT JOKES
  9. That jump is SO cool. I just wish my car didn't break.
  10. Just more proof thieves can't drive. That car was stolen and the owner is pissed.
  11. Next time I go to Glamis, I'm gonna take my brothers Rhino and jump that b*tch. Yeah Right.
  12. Hell, I just use a flashlight for cruisin' around.
  13. I will be at the dunes early Wednesday afternoon.
  14. Would you recognize those jerks if you saw them again?
  15. If you do this Remember to mark it off with caution tape.
  16. NO EFFIN WAY! That's got to be trick photography or something. That is cool and definitely took some balls.
  17. I've had a few beers and now I see it. That's kinda cool.
  18. I see a bunch of rocks and stuff.
  19. NO FAT JOKES That was funny though. :monkeedance2:
  20. That truck should pull that little trailer with no problem. I used to have a 22' Komfort travel trailer that I use to pull with my 91 Dodge 1/2 ton 4X4 w/318. I would also put 2 Banshees, a generator, and all my fuel in the back of the truck.
  21. Nope, I'm married. I'm not allowed to be in that condition. :monkeedance2:
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