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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Here's a small tid bit of info. A SRW, 2 wheel drive, 1 ton short bed with a diesel has the highest tow capacity.
  2. Come on you know I am jewish.
  3. Damn, I like the small duck thing better,, SCHMUCK
  4. What's a smuck? Is that like a small duck?
  5. I had a PEP stabilizer on my Banshee and I can tell you it was great. I would say that once you've had one you'll never have another quad without one. The PEP was pretty much a set it and forget it set up. It didn't matter whether it was duning or in the desert. Mine was like $159. P.S. Nice 450
  6. :skeet: For the love of all that is decent and holy, JUST SAY NO Slowly put down the glass and walk away. Don't look back or you'll be hooked. You looked back so drink 'til you can't say WOUNDED DOLPHIN :2gunsfiring:
  7. Hey Pete. Tell him I said :angry: and that he shouldn't go because I can't. J/K I wish I could be there.
  8. What seems to be the longest years of my life are only the months between April and October.
  9. I agree. It's been nice making some new friends. It's great being in the DDR family. It's not quite over but after Easter the rail goes into hibernation and the street bike comes back to life.
  10. In California you have to register your rail and to do that you have to have a VIN assigned to it by the CHP.
  11. That's what I was thinking but didn't want to say it. :angry:
  12. That doesn't even work because they got these ultimate screws called income taxes.
  13. How about moving it somewhere other than the effin highway.
  14. All that crap that people put up on the finger dunes should be dealt with. It is already illegal to set booby traps. I think if the Rangers would talk to people we probably wouldn't need new rules. But I do agree it is a safety hazard at times.
  15. Cmyfirepole, Did you get to see a sobe bomb?
  16. That thing looks okay to me. Just have the crack weled up and put it back together and run it til it grenades. J/K. Looks like it's time for a new top end. Maybe some more cc's?
  17. DAMN................Now that's a truck! :smiley:
  18. It's too violent. :smiley: Man What's with all the anger lately? J/K (I'm not serious)
  19. Thanks for the compliments. I really like my new truck. The reason for the single rear wheels is that I am having the inners polished. It does pull my fifth wheel great after I had a 6" lift and 33" tires put on the trailer. I'll see you guys at Dumont on Easter. :smiley:
  20. You both just have bad attitudes. J/K :smiley:
  21. There isn't a helmet law now and I really don't think there needs to be one. The TRT is a good idea but it really needs to look at the desires of all duners and not just a few or what the members personally think. Too many laws are made by personal opinion instead of by what the majority wants. We don't need a bunch of new rules. That is my opinion.We don't need rules that protect people from themselves. If kids cause accidents on vehicles then the parents should be held responsible but we should not legistate for irresponsibilty. I see alot of kids ridng golfcarts having a good time and not bothering anybody without helmets. Why should we punish the majority for the acts of a few.
  22. Let's not get crazy with the rules thing. Before you know it Dumont will be like Glamis and that would suck. As far as people taping off camps, If they don't do it using some common sense they will have people running thru there camp. I completely disagree with the age thing but that being said the parents must be held responsible for their childrens actions. In a way it doesn't matter because alot of the rules are not enforced anyway. Remember, Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.
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