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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Prime Rib,baked potatoe with sour cream and butter,mixed vegies,roll with butter,salad with Italian dressing and cream of broccoli soup and wash it all down with a cold iced tea.
  2. In the blue corner we have JOEDUNER and in the red corner we have DUNEFREAK. Gentlemen shake hands and let's have a clean
  3. Sand Cars Unlimited is most definitely a top 5 builder.
  4. You wouldn't want the buffed aluminum to cause glare and obstruct your vision.
  5. Tattoos don't hurt unless you're a girlie man.
  6. Sorry, I was there but I didn't have a camera.
  7. Ha Ha Wingnut! You're getting old. J/K Have a Happy Birthday
  8. Hey Dunefreak what do you know about smog laws? You've only had your license for 10 years. :o J/K
  9. Cool show. I would give it two thumbs up.
  10. The 13 tooth in the front and 41 in the rear works great. If you put new sprockets on I would recommend putting a new chain on at the same time. A worn chain can wear out sprockets much faster. Using a 41 tooth in the rear you would have a final gear ratio of: 2.93 to 1 with a 14 tooth in front, 3.15 to 1 with a 13 tooth in front, 3.42 to 1 with a 12 tooth in front. I also strongly agree withh J.J. about the case saver. It's definitely alot cheaper to replace than a side case if the chain comes off.
  11. Next time I see ya I'll show you in private.
  12. I have a Prince Albert piercing. Want to see a picture? :huh: J/K not really
  13. It would be interesting to see how and where the money is spent. I know there is a big thing going right now about the commitee that was appointed to overlook all expeditures of funds for OHV projects in California. From what I understand there seems to be a pretty good scandal going. It seems that this commitee is made up of a bunch of tree hugging eco-terrorist that are spending an extreme amount of these funds buying up land for conservation instead of for OHV use. In essence what this means is the OHV program owns land that has NEVER and will NEVER have any OHV use what so ever. Also a very little pecentage of these funds have been spent on improving or aquiring OHV properties. This has been brought to the attention of some top officials in Washington D.C. and there is an investigation going on right now to hopefully correct this problem. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
  14. You're too old and I'm too fat. Did I say that? No Fat Jokes.
  15. What is a DOMONT DUNE STICKER? :huh:
  16. I have 2 tattoos and I'll be getting more someday.
  17. I bring a fullsize garbage can with me EVERYTIME I go out and I bring all my trash home and put it in my can for pickup. The plan I was talking about was the paln that was mentioned in Dunefreaks first post in this thread.
  18. If I get stuck with my motorhome I just use the ramps from my trailer and drive right out. :huh:
  19. You go out to the dunes even if all your toys are broken. :icon_twisted:
  20. I doubt it. Have you ever seen those kids ride?
  21. Earlier you mentioned a plan, What might that plan be?
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