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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. My brother just got one and I hope to try it out at the clean up.
  2. Do we have any new inductees lately?
  3. That new anchor is about 15K lbs fully loaded but your truck should have enough nuts to pull it anywhere.
  4. Sooooooooooooooooooooo what's your point?
  5. Here's what I would do to that biatch 50 cent and then
  6. Your right but the huge a$$ motorhome went right thru like a land yacht.
  7. Hey Steveo Get Cathy to take you for a ride in her car. I'm sure that will impress ya.
  8. That looks like a real fun ride. Is it wide enough to take a 4X4 truck thru?
  9. Expect to pay right around $100 a piece. I just bought tires for my trailer a short while back.
  10. Little Big Quad, Dune Indians Now thats funny :shocked2:
  11. I don't remember Pauly getting stuck. :shocked2:
  12. Sounds like a good idea but how about some pricing?
  13. The enviro terrorists don't care about the buisnesses or anything else other than closing those dunes. Don't say they won't close those dunes because they already have closed a large portion of those dunes. For all you people that believe they won't close those dune you better wake up and smell the cofee or read the writing on the wall or whatever.
  14. F*CK THAT! Closing those dunes over some weed is BULL. Especially when it's not really endangered. When the first closures first happened back in the late 70s, there was an aggreement that what was closed was a preserve and what was left open was supposed to stay open for OHV use FOREVER I repeat FORRR EVVVVERRRRRRR. FOREVER doesn't mean until some BS enviro terrorist decide they want the place shut down. If you give them an inch they will take a mile. It shouldn't be a constant battle to keep our dunes open. If they close down Glamis what do you think will be next. They don't want any form of OHVs out there at all PERIOD. So here's to all the enviro terrorists GET A F*CKING LIFE AND LEAVE US ALONE!
  15. I burn a hole in a piston in my old banshee at the top of Comp. That sucked riding back to camp on one cylinder.
  16. Very doubtful any vendors will be there. They usually only come out on big holiday weekends.
  17. Sandwinder sandcars are real nice but the only drawback is the waiting list. Call the guy. His name is Darren. 602-269-2112 Their website is www.sandwinder.com 35K for a LS1 car. 29.5k for a V6 car.
  18. Hey Midknight Just tell these jokers to oh yeah and this too Oh and one more Let's not forget this one Who am I kidding? This sh!t is funny. :mc_smiley:
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