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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Nick if I was you I would take Blondie up on her offer. :blush:
  2. When I quit smoking food tastes better. ALL FOOD and you get an appetite from HELL so be careful it's real easy to GAIN weight and alot of it.
  3. I was there watching this truck and another one launching that jump. I went over that jump a few times with my car too. Nice little kicker. :blush:
  4. Unfortunately Tres Hermanos will be at a memorial service that weekend. Our father pasted away early this morning. RIP Dad
  5. More like 90-95% but that is correct. Do not exceed 15mph within 50 feet of a populated area.
  6. That was definitely a sweet jump. I was hitting it with my buggy.
  7. I say "If you catchem, Killem! Save the tax payers some money." Sorry to hear that Pete but it sounds like it won't be too costly to fix.
  8. Man I've never done anything like that :DDR_rocks!: Yeah right
  9. When they look at you like that just give them the and go about your buisness.There are alot of dumbass young Marines out here that think they are invincible.
  10. If you want some dive bars come to 29 Palms. All the bars in this town are dive bars.
  11. That sounds kinda.................. you know :DDR_rocks!:
  12. That sounds like a good product to have and at a discount to boot. :DDR_rocks!: I just let the dune dog Cisco guard my garage.
  13. That looks like it kinda hurt. It's great that she is OKAY and kept on riding like a trooper. She definitely belongs in the DDR group. NEVER SAY DIE
  14. I agree that when on a group ride every body should be responsible for the group not just the leader. When I'm riding in a group I try to watch whose in front of me and who is right behind me.
  15. That's the same thing that happened on my first trip to Dumont. :DDR_rocks!:
  16. I got that DVD somewhere. Those look like some real cool dunes. a friend of mine is from Idaho and he says it's real cool there.
  17. What a weekend it was. Tres Hermanos got to Dumont on Thurs. Tim had to leave on Sunday do to prior commitments(sp) and a trashed fuel pump. Joe and I came home today. It was great to see some familiar faces and good to meet some new ones. We had some great rides. A couple of slow and relaxing and a few that were balls to the walls. Joe and I went for a last ride this morning that was a 3rd 4th gear run to the North pole. Then we picked up a straggler ( YNOT ) that had a real fast car and was a pretty good driver to boot. It was sad to have to come home but nice at the same time. I am already looking forward to the next time. :DDR_rocks!:
  18. I just talked to Tim and he said it's cold but nice.
  19. It's a tough buisness to be in without ALOT of working capitol.
  20. We usually camp in the area of M6
  21. I'm going out Thursday night or VERY early Friday morn but more likely Thursday night as soon as I get everything loaded up. The whole TRES HERMANOS clan will be there.
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