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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. Running people over is half the fun you know like speed bumps. I'm just kidding. Don't get so upset. Come on now you don't have to cry.
  2. My first thought was the people and then the dunes. I've made some new friends that are the coolest.
  3. Come on now that's obviously only one picture ................................................................................................................................................................................. My bad it's 2 (note the sarcasm)
  4. I also have Verizon and have been out at Dumont with other people with different services and had to end up loaning out my phone so they could make calls.THEIR phone service sucked.
  5. Rollover club 1) lvnalolife 2) sanddunesaddict 3) HappyHour 4) 3Rotortrav
  6. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tacos
  7. Rollover club 1) lvnalolife 2) sanddunesaddict 3) HappyHour
  8. VERY NICE! I think I've seen thet car out there.
  9. We should be in town around 4:00pm.
  10. THE ICEMAN ROCKS :tres hermanos_rock_smiley: :tres hermanos_rock_smiley:
  11. Watch closely and you can see my car cutting across the top of the dunes. :tres hermanos_rock_smiley: :tres hermanos_rock_smiley:
  12. I think the Steelers paid off the officials and I WILL get proof. Oh I got proof. :tres hermanos_rock_smiley: The Steelers won :tres hermanos_rock_smiley:
  13. Another nice box You guys did another great job. Now let's catch the emeffers that keep destroying it and give them the treatment. :tres hermanos_rock_smiley: :tres hermanos_rock_smiley:
  14. Maybe we should start the rollover club? 1) lvnalolife 2) sanddunesaddict
  15. YOU GUYS ALL SUCK!!!!!!!!!! Looks like everybody had a great time and I missed it. I'm just jealous. Sorry
  16. Looking forward to Thursday night first. :tres hermanos_rock_smiley: :tres hermanos_rock_smiley:
  17. This one weekend me and some buddies of mine were going to Fallbrook on a Friday night to go on a poker run the next morning.When we got just about to Temecula the shifter on one of the guys bikes fell off. OH SHIAT! We pulled in to a Pep Boys (I think or it might have been a Kragens anyway) and examined the shift shaft to find it was totally stripped. We went into the store, got some JB Weld, mixed it up and applied it liberally to the shifter. We went to dinner and when we were done we continued the weekend. The shifter is still working with the JB Weld on it and this happened 4 years ago. Every time I think of this ride it makes me happy and sad at the same time because it was the last time I got to ride with a very good friend of mine. He was like a brother to me and anyone that has met me knows how I feel about my brothers. My friend died the following Sunday night of an asthma attack with heart failure. " In memory of Larry Johnson"
  18. Well I guess after rolling your first time out in a rail you learn real quick what NOT to do. I was glad to hear noone was hurt except for maybe a bruised ego.
  19. The Pace Arrow is back up and running. Just waiting on tires so I will definitely be there one way or another. I'll be going out Thursday night and going home Sunday night or Monday morning. I'm definitely looking forward to a long weekend in the dunes. See ya in the sand.
  20. I really like my car and Xtreme treated me real well. I had some problems that Xtreme took care of right away. I have read quite a few horror stories on GD.com and I don't want to turn this site into a beat up Xtreme site. If Xtreme continues to have bad customer service it will catch up to them in the end.
  21. That SUCKS. It wouldn't be so bad if we were getting something for the money instead of just padding some tree hugger politicians pocket. to the tree hugging enviromentalists.
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