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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I don't NEED a turbo. I NEED a truck and trailer.
  2. I think I've seen that jeep out there before but I could be mistaken.
  3. Me and my homies Rollin on 20s
  4. I know I would get the votes for slowest duner.
  5. Hey JOEDUNER this ones for you. J/K
  6. I know it's early but I was wondering who has plans for Dumont on Presidents Day weekend? I'm going to try to be there one way or another. We need to plan some rides. That is always fun!
  7. Just goofing around but that really is a cool slideshow. Looks like it took some time and some planning. It was well worth it. Here's another new smilie I got.
  8. If you have one built you probably wouldn't get it until next season anyway.
  9. Awesome job!! That is so COOL.
  10. That had to be Pauly Paul driving.
  11. Can I count the 100K I'm gonna spend at the end of this season or should I count that towards next year?
  12. Would you do that for me? Man that would be great and I would really feel like I'm part of the gang.
  13. I just talked to Tim and I have a floor to sleep on so I'm going to Glamis MLK weekend. I can't go to Dumont because you guys won't wait for me on the buggy runs. I'm fat and slow.
  14. Yeah I know. I was just kidding around.
  15. Hey you guys I got something for ya and here it is
  16. You guys are alright. Thanks man.
  17. I don't know if you can hang with him Pete :talk030: J/K
  18. Here's the best advice when it comes to Banshees FOR SALE Must sell quickly If you don't like that advice, Do you want to buy another Banshee?
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