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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I always figure 2 to 3 days extra no matter what they say.
  2. Try Theraflu or Alka Seltzer cold relief
  3. I don't care who you are THAT'S FUNNY :headbang: If you were Bert though I guess that wouldn't be funny
  4. Okay I'll give STEVEO a ration next time I see him.
  5. My car was jumping just fine but I guess we didn't get any pictures of that did we? (note the sarcasm)
  7. That is exactly why I try not to think about how much it costs. If I start thinking about the cash layout I won't go. YEAH RIGHT! But seriously, I put stuff on the credit card and pay it off later. My SANITY or should I say SANDITY is well worth the expense.
  8. That is too cool. I know what my next gadget is going to be. I'm thinking helmet cam converted to onboard video in the buggy. Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  9. This is the nicest fifth wheel I have ever seen. I am green with envy.
  10. Been there, Done that,Gotta shirt. J/K Those are some cool pictures.
  11. That incident was scary but it all turned out OKAY.
  12. If you ever get the chance to go on a ride with YNOT, my advice would be GO. You'll have a great ride. It was fun this weekend and I'm sure TRES HERMANOS and YNOT will hook up again. It was fun Terry. THANKS
  13. We got out there Tues. night and hooked up with YNOT for some fast rides out to the North Pole. YNOT can lead real well and we had some 3rd and 4th gear runs. What a rush! The closer it got to the weekend the more crowded it got so we had to slow down a bit but we still had some fun rides every day. The weather could've been better but it could have been alot worse but all in all it was okay. We had a great time while we were there but had some problems with the motorhome getting home. Finally got home last night around 2:00am but we made it home safely and all is good. Happy New Years everybody and hope to see you all in the dunes.
  14. MIKEBOB It was good to meet you this past weekend
  15. Now I don't care who you are, That's FUNNY
  16. For the WEDNESDAY ride it will still be 3:00pm at Banshee hill.
  17. Tim and I will be there on tues. the 27th and Joe will be there in the morning on wed. the 28th. We will stay until Jan 2. Nice long weekend.
  18. I can't keep up on a fast buggy run. <_<
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