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Everything posted by Cracker

  1. SuperDave are you going there? Anyone else? I'd seriously considering it. I had a blast last year. I'm thinking about doing both the course marking and the race if SNORE needs me.
  2. The spacers I got today won't work. I need some that include studs. Maybe 1.5"? Does Nevada Offroad and Buggy carry them? I'd like them by this weekend if the price is right. Or I'll order them from Trail-Gear.
  3. Is that why we have runways in several directions?
  4. Any place in town where I can sit down and see what fits?
  5. How much coal does it take and for what size bird? Do you put the coals directly on the foil?
  6. I've been deep frying for the last 4 years and I think it's great. I'd do it if I were at the dunes. Takes about 2.5 hrs for a 15 lbs bird. I like to cut rosemary and let it cook inside, I also inject some marinade in the meat. No sex innuendo there.
  7. Cracker

    Fuel Prices

    And I was in Bako last weekend. And I'm still waiting for my complimentary barrel from the war.
  8. Got it. I was thinking equal and opposite not thinking that the tires and conveyor would be additive.
  9. Cracker

    Fuel Prices

    But medical bills with bikes don't justify the fuel savings. It's not if it's when..... Why is diesel more expensive than gas? Out comes my siphon hose.
  10. If the jet was providing the forward thrust and the conveyor was countering the forward wheel speed, wouldn't the wheel speed be zero?
  11. My neighbor said there's going to be a race in the valley near Sloan today, BLM closed it off. Big shiny trailers according to him unloading now? What's up?
  12. Maybe I'll park one of your toys on my trailer and pay you $20.
  13. Thinking of getting a ~20ft gooseneck and doubt I can keep it at the house. What non-covered spaces go for out here? If you have a 14K lbs gooseneck for sale let me know.
  14. Cracker


    It's not Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock. :freakin_nuts: The McD's by my place has bicycles blocking the entrance as well. I'd be worried about them throwing crap at my truck though, it happened to me once in central CA.
  15. Did you gate your 3rd garage door to keep your new toy safe? Not a bad idea lately.
  16. I got you a 2007 Megacab 5.9/6spd for your birthday....you can have it when you're 16.
  17. I was with Dave at his checkpoint in BFE.
  18. I had a blast and I'm cleaned up for the most part. I had some really good pulls for quite a distance up the track. I heard that I was pulling the buggies faster than they were going under their own power. The truck ran like a champ, engine screaming in 4Lo, 4K RPM wheels spinning over 50 mph trying not to get run over on the mostly one lane course. I even passed a limping heavy metal truck. I didn't have the gall to nerf him though it was suggested by my passenger. My carnage is limited to rattling the pins out of the passenger door (all fixed now but should tack them in), my right front is screeching so I'm guessing the hub needs replacing, and of all things I think my EVO sensor took a dump on me. I was fine driving out the asphalt at very high speeds but once I hit Hwy 95 my steering felt scary sensitive. Oh and I got the last knot out of my strap that the buggy that ran out of gas left me to deal with. I pulled this "Ranger". It was much heavier than any ole Ranger. The first time I passed him while I was pulling a buggy with a broken rear swing arm someone yelled, "Don't pull him pull me". I came back for him and strapped up. I got passed by a class 5 buggy and couldn't see anything. While I was following the dust I missed a hairpin curve and got to pull him through a section of rocks. I guess everyone was on the radio screaming about this guy that's flying down the track pulling out cars. Of course they were talking about two trucks, one gray one black. And I thought this was going to be the last picture of my life. There was a flag man to my right letting the racers know to slow down because they had made it to the checkpoint. Well the flagging must had confused her since she pulled right into our site at speed. And here's my a$$ at 2 am, genuinely happy.
  19. I'm interested in helping. 4x4 with recovery equipment.
  20. I'm happy some women take the time to make this world a prettier place. You need to look up to these dedicated women.
  21. Stable huh? Guess she hasn't been pushed hard enough.
  22. After all this I'd still go to Six Flags, they do have a couple feet up on the competition.
  23. I wonder if she'll ever ride the ride again? Now she might not make the height requirement.
  24. If you do put a Sierra Club flag in your turd to take the heat off the wheelers.
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